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MH370 search to end 29 May: new government
Malaysia's new government has declared that the current search effort for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 will end on 29 May. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
...and Northwest Orient 2501 has yet to be found after over 50 years.
Searching the wrong area.
Sometimes you're sending good money after bad, but I'm sure that underwater search techniques have improved with the MH370 search.Maybe we need to wait a little longer until a a notable improvement in underwater search is possible. For good, or bad, it's always good to know why an aircraft disappeared.
I always said they where wasting their time and money. But at least it wasn't tax payers money. I don't know why they where so confident about finding it. A proper needle in a haystack.
I wonder if the user MH370 will also be ended on that date.
User MH370?? What does that mean?
MH370 is the userid of the original poster (OP).
And I'm still out in the dark on this. What is the "userid"? Is that 'user I.D.'?