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United Airlines flying Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
United Airlines Holdings Inc., reportedly began operating charter flights on Friday to better position Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for distribution once the shot is approved by the Food and Drug Administration. United will fly the chartered planes between Brussels International Airport and Chicago O’Hare International Airport as part of the “first mass air shipment of a vaccine,” supported by the FAA, The Wall Street Journal reported. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
This vaccine has been developped by BioNTech in Mainz, Germany. BioNTech and Pfizer have a cooperation which makes use of the Pfizer manufacturing sites but it is still not "Pfizer's" vaccine.
Why again is Fox calling this the „Pfizer vaccine“? It was developed very early in this pandemic by BioNTech in Germany, at their own initiative and dime!
Later, the German government invested.
Why is this article not mentioning why the shipments are coming from Europe? They are being manufactured in a facility owned by BioNTech in Germany.
Quality journalism?
Later, the German government invested.
Why is this article not mentioning why the shipments are coming from Europe? They are being manufactured in a facility owned by BioNTech in Germany.
Quality journalism?
This is a great idea but my question is it takes what 5-6 days to get across the pond by ship? Why not just hire a large ship and pack it with the vaccine and then head for the US. I mean you can then haul all the dry ice you want and also increase your capacity well over what any planes can haul in a week even if you put all the planes together in the world.
From what I see it takes 10 to 20 days for a container ship to complete a trans-Atlantic voyage.
If you are trying to get a vaccine distributed quickly and efficiently, you're better off distributing smaller quantities quickly than wait until you have a container ship fully loaded and then make a much slower journey.
Also, they can't produce vaccines fast enough to require the capacity of a container ship.
If you are trying to get a vaccine distributed quickly and efficiently, you're better off distributing smaller quantities quickly than wait until you have a container ship fully loaded and then make a much slower journey.
Also, they can't produce vaccines fast enough to require the capacity of a container ship.
Also, an airplane can go direct to a final inland destination, avoiding trans-shipping from a port to the interior. Air freight is the best option for low-density high-value perishable cargo like vaccines.
Just to note Chicago and Detroit and other places around the Great Lakes are deep water ports. Granted the ships can’t carry hundreds of Seatainers, but could carry a lot more vaccine than would be hatched out. I wouldn’’t advocate the sea unless they could put together some containers that had their own freezer machinery.
Point taken, though St. Lawrence Seaway and Great Lakes shipping can be tough during the ice season.
Ultimately, as things scale up, pretty much every transport mode that can maintain the cold temperatures needed will be used to move vaccine from point-of-manufacture to point-of-injection.
Ultimately, as things scale up, pretty much every transport mode that can maintain the cold temperatures needed will be used to move vaccine from point-of-manufacture to point-of-injection.