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Alaska Airlines bans state lawmaker over mask dispute, so she's forced to take 19-hour trip by ferry and road to the capital

An Alaska state lawmaker was forced to take a 19-hour road and ferry trip to the capital after Alaska Airlines banned her over her refusal to follow the mask requirements. "We have notified Senator Lora Reinbold that she is not permitted to fly with us for her continued refusal to comply with employee instruction regarding the current mask policy," said an Alaska Airlines spokesperson to the Anchorage Daily News on Saturday. Reinbold, a Republican, had been very vocal about her… ( More...

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It doesn't matter how one feels about masks: Alaska Airlines can mandate any dress code it likes so long as it is consistent and doesn't fall afoul of state and federal laws or FAA regulations. As a state Senator she should put her money…er… where her mouth is and propose AK legislation prohibiting denial of service for not wearing a face mask.

I suspect this is Sen. Reibold's "Exactly 57 communists in the State Department" moment. How else does an otherwise obscure AK politician wind up in the New York Times (unless she's placed on a major party ticket for national office)
Rick Hein 1
Requiring a face mask to protect the public health is NOT a dress code.
Yes it is.
Rick Hein 2
If in the sense that a dress code is supposed to make it so that everyone conforms to someone's idea about how they should look, then a mask is a dress code if your objective is to make sure everyone looks like they are alive.
Since when is a mask part of everyday attire? This has nothing to do with a dress code.

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boughbw 4
Would you fly on an airline publicly stating the rectum requirement is mandatory? It may just be me, but I don't think that I would fly on such an airline. Contrary to how it may seem, airlines don't invent ways to anger their customers, force them to endure more discomfort than they normally experience in flying, or try to figure out how to keep their money without providing a good or service.

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RustySimmons 12
Absolutely Walmart could ban you for wearing the wrong shirt. They are a private company and can enforce a dress code (and they SHOULD (see "people of Walmart" websites)). Would that drive away some customers? Sure! So that's why it's up to them to make reasonable policies and balance their bottom line with the other factors.

And why do I believe Walmart should be able to refuse service for violating a policy? Because that's what ALL private businesses can do. Se've seen the signs in shops, cafes, bars, pool halls... our whole lives. "No Shirt, No Shoes,. No Service!" "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone!" If you don't follow their rules, you don't get the benefit of that business. And, remember the big push that you can't force a baker to make a cake for an event he doesn't want to support, which I agree with too.
RustySimmons 16
In case you're wondering, I'm fine with the mask mandates and have flown several times over the last year and follow the FA's instructions. That's what we're supposed to do. It's ridiculous that public health guidance has become a political football.

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Forcing 40 million people out of work? That would be the former guy who NEVER took this pandemic seriously. “You have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero." Meanwhile 589,815 have died, millions have long term complications. Only an idiot believed that down to zero statement.

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The national government? Thanks for the lesson, professor.
Like i said the former guy who never took the pandemic seriously is the reason millions lost their jobs. He said he shut down China (he didnt) while millions came in through Europe. He the shut down Europe (while exempting the UK).

The former guy was HUGE into wishful thinking instead of actually trying to do anything about anything.
Ken Lane -2
Tell me exactly when and where Trump ordered or acted in ANY fashion where people lost their jobs.

Be specific.
Ruth's Chris refused to serve me dinner because I wasn't wearing a shirt.

Nourishment should be a protected right.

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sharon bias 32
Ms. Reinbold implied that the Alaska facemask requirements were implemented without warning. A simple Google search found that Alaska Airlines last updated their facemask requirements on 8/5/2020. All the airlines require facemasks.

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Ken Lane -3
I point out a FACT backed up in the article and you liberal idiots still do the voting down bullshit.

This site is being taken over by a bunch of fucking crybabies. It's about to the point it's no longer worth being around.
Randall Bursk 21
I will continue to fly worldwide regardless of mask requirements. It’s our decision to make. I honor the rules where I’m at.
John D 23
Agreed. No matter the place, if a business requests certain behavior (shoes, shirts, masks, etc.) respectful citizens ought to comply. If some believe the requests are too onerous, it's not a signal to put your jerk hat on, just go somewhere else.
George Pepe 4
If you have a problem with a policy, don’t use that business. It’s realy simple
Heatseekerws6 52
Sorry, but not sorry lady- don't care who you are. The airline put the policy in place so please just follow it and quit wasting other peoples's time and resources.

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John Prukop -1
SPOT-ON KEN! Especially when one considers the policy being dictated is based on a FRAUD and LIES. Moreover, you cannot use a "policy" to violate the law! The airlines are violating OSHA laws for one, and secondly, Title 18 of the U.S. Criminal code by Deprivation of RIGHTS guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

Folks better research, read and learn 18 USC 241 - Conspiracy against Rights; and, 18 USC 242 - Deprivation of Rights under COLOR OF LAW - and the latter is what's really going on.

Thirdly, the airlines are receiving TAX-PAYER supported funds under the CARES Act based on accepting emergency funds WHEN THERE IS NO EMERGENCY... because there is no "virus" and there is NO "pandemic" - save for a MANUFACTURE SCAM-demic for a Global Reset via The World Economic Forum - NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION (NGO) in concert with the United Nations Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 programmes of world-wide depopulation. THE FRAUD IS BASED ON THE MISREPRESENTATION OF INFORMATION AND FACTS which are also being spewed 24/7 by a complicit loickstep media, whose FCC Licenses are based on SERVING the Public's INTEREST, CONVENIENCE and NECESSITY. None of this COVID propaganda meets that threshold because it is a blatant misrepresentation and therefore FRAUD and being further perpetrated by Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx, who both are invovled with the UN PEPFAR programme and who were also involved in the AIDS/HIV FRAUD of the 1980's, along with Fauci's wife, Christine Grady. Please search out and read the Strecker Memorandum - WHO KILLED AFRICA. That's not a question.

Fourthly, an airline is basically a place of public accomodation and therefore the CIVIL RIGHTS LAWS of 1964, et. seq., do indeed apply, and there can be NO discrimination, unless you VIOLATE people's rights. There is also the American's With Disability Act in play, and OSHA laws previously mentioned.

Fifth, rhe so-called SARS-II/CoVid-19 "virus" has NEVER been isolated in a lab. See the Dr. Andrew Kaufman, MD website and his and Dr. Thomas Cowan's SOVI - "Statement On Virus Isolation" here:

Sixth, the Sheople out there in NA-NA Land who have been watching nothing but fraud and lies on their TEL-A-LIE-VISION have yet to become aware that the JAB is NOT a "vaccine" in its traditional sense. This JAB is a DNA modifying DARPA enhanced Hydrogel, Lucerfrase mRNA spike protein with Nanoparticles and is a BIO-WEAPON with military applications designed to operate with 5G 60GHz and the 42,000 low Earth orbit satellites being launched by Elon Musk's spin-off corporation STARLINK, with each of those satellites capable of supporting 4-each 5G transmitters with BEAM forming pin-point accuracy, which has been referred to as the KILL GRID. Of course, it's being sold to the Sheople as a way to download your favorite video in 30-seconds. Hogwash.

Watch Dr. Sherri Tenpenny describe what's going to happen to those individuals who have taken the jab in the next 3 to 6-months: Moreover, those who have taken the JAB become a danger to those who have not taken it. Watch: Yolande Norris-Clark and find out the problems coming to our doorstep: "SHEDDING THE KILL-SHOT"

For a run-down on the 5G Weaponry System, see Joe Imbriano's websites, and Joe produced a WARNING on this system back in April 2018 entitled, "5G-WHAT THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW! watch the whole thing-". You can view it here:

Arm yourself with KNOWLEDGE not opinions from those who watch the TEL-A-LIE-VISION!
Ken Lane -1
I hadn't even thought about the acceptance of federal funds issue. But, it would take some claim by the administration that such acceptance would require compliance with basic civil rights under the Constitution. Biden and his cronies won't do that.
John D 24
Clearly, she doesn't have a grasp of what the constitution is about in that corporate policies are not covered under the Constitution last I checked. "I do believe constitutional rights are at risk under corporate COVID policies."
She makes saying I'm a Republican in my out loud voice embarrassing.

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John D 11
What laws do you think they are violating?
We're in a pandemic. You're simply being asked to put a piece of cloth over your nose and mouth for public health and safety. Such a minor inconvenience for the common good. You'd think somebody asked them to cut off a finger or something.
ChrisRisley -9
I said this several months ago with big tech being the de facto first amendment superhighway. Well said !

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cyberjet 5
Given that the crew would be passing through that "buffer zone" frequently during the flight, you can bet that they'd be invoking their right to refuse unsafe work unless those passengers had to put on a mask every time a crew member passed through. Given that masks are a recommended best practice by Public Health Experts, they'd win.
Cindy Savage 31
I am perpetually amazed that the same folks that think a baker can refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding don't think an airline can ban them for refusing to comply with company policy. Those same people seem to be the same ppl who think the 1st Amendment, which prohibits THE GOVERNMENT from infringing on speech, also applies to business.
i've been saying that since the mask mandates came up. They kept saying well the baker doesnt have to service the gay couple, but then these same isiots complain that they have to wear a mask on an airline, or in a store.

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eyeguy2020 9
Many, many studies prove that mask actually prevent the spread of infections, not only viruses. Science is not defined by one study, but by many different studies that confirm or deny the original hypothesis. Eventually, science wins, whether you believe in it or not.

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eyeguy2020 15
Please remember that science does not care about your your convenience. Your insistence that masks don't do anything is the same idea as washing your hands does not prevent infection.....your ideas don't make sense in the operating room, or in real life. If you don't want to us masks, go to Brazil. The president there says mask don't work....see what happens. That is real world in a petri dish.

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The masks lower the distance a microorganism can travel. So instead of 6 to 12 feet its 1 or 2 feet. The microorganism can linger in the air longer than spit, but the masks (even the cheap ones) prevent a larger area from being a hazard zone. All masks work to a certain degree and its better than no mask at all.
aurodoc 7
Many of the viral and bacterial particles exist in the fluids that are expelled from our mouth and nose and potentially from the patients body fluids. That's why I wear a mask in surgery. Sure a surgical mask does not stop all virus and bacteria but remember that a few particles are unlikely to infect. It takes a larger bolus of many virus and bacteria to cause infection prevented by a mask and this is why we wear them on the O.R..
Ken Lane -1
A microorganism of itself does not travel. It attaches itself just like a supercooled water droplet can exist as liquid below freezing and remain so until attached to a solid particle.

The particle travels and it is subject to whatever effect of airflow may exist in that parcel of air.

Masks mitigate spit between two people. They do not block biohazards.

THen you can also associate yourself with another recent study... the distance is irrelevant with closed-in parcels of air. That is, indoors.
Um… a mask does not mitigate spit. I know this first hand. When I recently went to my dentist who was wearing his mask and talking (as he always has and always will)- twice his spittle went through his mask and landed in my eye! Yes, he was wearing his mask properly. He just gets excited when he tells a story.
Ken Lane 1
That depends on the mask. A typical surgical mask will normally cover your mouth and nose.

But, didn't you just make the point that a mask is no guarantee you'll be safe?
It was one of those blue medical ones. Of course masks don’t work. My point was just humor. Everyone thinks that those medical masks are a miracle. But here were two spittles that hit me right in the eye at a doctors office. I did have to put my hand up to make him stop for a second and say ‘please change the subject. You’re getting too excited’. I do love the fact that he talks while he’s working on my teeth. I like to be entertained. I don’t like spit in my eyes at any time.
Ken Lane 1
That was your own spit, sweetheart.
cyberjet 5
After dozens of investigations tat proved no systemic voter fraud, you'd probably prefer to believe the My Pillow idiot.

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Ken Lane -2
Again, the liberal idiots choose to vote down a post instead of adding substance to the argument.

Go figure.
Ken. people have shown you the facts of the situation. Masks DO save lives, and Trump LOST the election.

Trump lost the election like every other person that has run for election, and not gotten enough votes. From the very first competitive election on record, until this last one, ONE PERSON HAS ALWAYS LOST. And you can't hold your breath and stomp your foot enough to get people to agree that it was 'stolen', until now, when right wing media and Facebook are spouting the Trump BULLPOOP!

Trump LOST the election, fair and square. He's just a baby, and can't take reality. Stupid people loose. Bullies never win, for long. America has no future with a Trump related party. NO FUTURE!!! None. Unless you think being taken over by another country 'winning'.

Sorry, Ken. Trump LIED TO YOU. Fox News LIES TO YOU! Your brain donor friends on social media are just birds repeating the chirping of other idiots.

Trump LOST. Masks save lives. Herd Immunity isn't a thing we want to shoot for. The vaccine doesn't lessen you. Blacks are responsible for much of what we depend on today. Muslims invented language, counting, and so much more we couldn't have gotten where we are not without.

So, Ken. step down and let the smart people talk now. If you listen, you really might learn a few things. I guarantee that you will be a better person for it too. So SHHH!!! Listen111 Stop talking!!!
Ken Lane -1
No, masks do not work. The Danish study proved masks are statistically irrelevant.

How does one person have a lead in four different states on election day evening by a margin of three to five percent then in the days following that margin bleeds off to a loss of a small fraction of one percent?

How is it that for fifty to sixty years these same states had margins that leaned toward the winner by anywhere from five to fifteen percent, usually higher in that range with the exception of a third rail like McGovern or Perot suddenly drop to a margin that's a small fraction of one percent? That's an amazing change in trend that has been consistent for a half a century.

I did not follow Fox. I don't know what lies you're referring to.

Why is herd immunity not desired? What do you think is a major protectant against so many other issues? You're quite clueless about the concept.

"Herd immunity makes it possible to protect the population from a disease, including those who can't be vaccinated, such as newborns or those who have compromised immune systems."

I'm quite sure I've done more and accomplished more than you have. But, you go on denigrating others with your lack of cognitive skills.
Bill DodgeSR -3
Hey Ken LANE (REAL NAME???} MOVE TO Denmark - now!!!
Ken Lane -6
Yes, it is my real name. It's in the FAA database as an actual pilot.

Is yours?
skylab72 3
OK mr hotshot pilot gimme some-o-that hotshot pilot talk and read and quote the FARs before you start the name calling. You have my sympathy, it must be tough to have such a thin skin while falling for the worst con artist ever to run for POTUS. As for "liberal"?? I voted for Goldwater. Get your head out.
Bill DodgeSR 1
Ken Lane -7
I have my doubts. The number of those on here who are pilots has dropped to less than a third.
People like you have chased most of them away. The people, like you, on here have made this a huge circus sideshow. Good grief, the self own here... OUCH!!!
Ken Lane 1
You might want to check the data. I've been on this site almost from its inception and for several years was a paying subscriber.
Chris B 5
Guess nobody ever taught her that not following the rules has consequences.
Jim Elcock 8
Intelligently Stupid ! Must think she's God's gift. Not a good report for Republicans, and Yes I am one.

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I'm trying to figure out who thought filling a note with exclamation points was a mature, professional means of communicating a message. Oh, I remember who...
Kerry Brandt 2
Good! I'm purposely not looking at her name in the story, because name recognition is probably what she's after. I've been flying on the airlines several times a month over the past year (work), and I'm GLAD the Federal govt. mandated masks. If it saved ONE person's life it would be worth it, and the reality is wearing masks on a packed flight probably saved hundreds or thousands of lives (possibly even mine). So suck it up buttercups and do the UNSELFISH thing during this pandemic. I'm just as sick of it as everyone else, but what I'm NOT is a selfish jerk who doesn't give a @#%& about others' lives.
Jean Johnson 2
The Danish study did not say masks do not work.

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You claim that a 0.3% difference proves something?

It only proves that people who think that process something are idiots.

I worked on university studies for years. a difference of 0.3% is a statistical NOTHING! It proves nothing.

But research that has been about the efficacy of masks prove that there is a HUGE statistical difference between those not wearing masks, and those that are.

If masks didn't work, surgeons wouldn't be required to wear them. Masks are a barrier. Barriers work. Get over yourself. Masks don't make you look stupid. Opening your mouth, or exercising your fingers, does that!!!
Ken Lane 0
You've already proven you're too stupid to understand the ideas. But, I'll throw it out there for all you dumb shits.

Want actual prevention? Wear an NBC rated mask. A surgical mask will stop you from spitting in someone's face. It will NOT stop a microorganism that can float in air on debris. Not now. Not ever.

As for your studies, they are a joke. They do not apply REAL WORLD circumstances. Everyone I saw used either the N95 mask or the generic surgical mask. They measure at varying distance in front of the subject. They do not measure peripheral areas and none of them show masks are entirely effective.

What is effective? DISTANCE. So, if you're so damn afraid then the solution is simple. Keep your ass at home.

There is no standard for masks. They may be any material, any number of layers and of any design. Sure, people will point to the "N95" but who made it? What standard was used? Was it made per the NIOSH standard published by the FDA? Was it made per ASTM which has been made free for those requiring guidance?

And, the numerous tests on masks. None apply real world standards. They do not account for material, type, design nor how they're worn. They they assume the mask is fresh and new. They do not account for those that have been worn nonstop, never washed and become saturated with moisture and mucus which eventually passes through with each exhale and particularly with a sneeze.

The typical sneeze produces a pressure of one pound per square inch. That doesn't sound like much, does it? But, the typical pressure when exhaling during a strenuous workout is only about .03 PSI. That's quite a jump.

Airlines are pushing the mask nonsense on board. Nowhere on this earth is air more pure than what you'll breathe on an airliner at cruising altitude. The air turnover is four to six times that of the normal commercial building. Fifty percent of air is fresh with each cycle brought right in from the engine bleed air. There's no particulate at those altitudes unless they happen to fly through a volcano eruption (very unlikely as it kills turbines) or a sand storm that manages to rise that high (extremely unlikely).

Distance is your only friend. And, most of us already practiced that. Did you choose to sit in a booth next to others when entering a restaurant or want more privacy? Do you walk up on top of others whom you do not know while shopping in a store? Most of us do not.

In the end, masks are a joke.
John Prukop 0
Ken, they're all a bunch of cry babies - probably living at home with mommy and daddy!
George Pepe 1
Good for them
John Prukop 1
A "MASK" is a SELF-SUFFOCATION DEVICE, which causes HYPERCAPNIA because you're poisoning yourself by rebreathing bacteria that your lungs are designed to EXPEL and loading up on carbon dioxide toxicity. Moreover, Hypercapnia causes reduced visual acuity, reduced hearing, mild narcosis, confusion, headaches, muscular tremors, shortness of breath, dizziness and unconsciousness. THAT's the real 'science' - not the FAKE FRAUDSTER FAUCI & BIRX telling you that a face diaper protects you. IT DOES NOT PROTECT YOU FROM SQUAT!

But the BIG MESSAGE is this: COVID DOES NOT EXIST! - It's been a PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE CONSTRUCT from the git-go! The "MASK" is part of the CONTROL aspect of this PSYOP. And it's easy to see how effective the PSYOP has been. Look around!

Please review these two videos from this Minden, ONTARIO, Canada Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, Amandha Dawn Vollmer:

See if you can wrap your years and years of TEL-A-LIE-VISION programmed Cognitive Dissonance brain cells around the TRUTH for once, instead of relying on the snake-oil pied piper Big Pharma Medical salesmen and their totally FLAWED “science.” YES - YOU HAVE BEEN LIED TO!

Prepare for DEATH coming by this Autumn and Fall BY THE THOUSANDS – if not TENS OF THOUSANDS to those who have succumbed to false and fraudulent advertising by government, NGO’s, corporations and private businesses, in taking an EXPERIMENTAL “JAB” – that is NOT a “VACCINE!” Welcome to the New World Order and the Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum's GLOBAL RESET of generational transhumanism and artificial intelligence. How do YOU feel being an EXPERIMENTAL guienea pig?
“Conspiracy theory is the ultimate refuge of the powerless. If you cannot change your own life, it must be that some greater force controls the world.”
John Prukop 1
You're obviously one of the Cognitive Dissonance challenged Sheople who have been totally brainwashed by the TEL-A-LIE-VISION narrative. Go get you JAB and help clean the gene pool!
I already got it, you crackpot.

What is your excuse going to be when I'm not dead by "this autumn"?
John Prukop 1
If you THOUGHT you were "vaccinated" against "COVID-19" by going along with this criminal charade, you're in for a huge setback. It's NOT a "vaccine" and it won't protect you rom anything (same with MASKS!) - it's an operating system. You were jabbed with an "experimental" concoction of mRNA nanoparticle spike proteins of DARPA's Hydrogel and Lucerfrase that will begin its deadly work within the next 3 to 6 months. Have you noticed that those small refrigerator magnets stick to your injection site? Had any anaphylaxis responses yet? You will! Better go listen carefully to Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, MD and learn what your future looks like. It ain't gonna be pretty. Brain eating Spongiform Encephalitis is just one aspect. Now they're pushing this crap on our children. It's totally criminal what's going down. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes.
They gave me mad cow disease? John, did you eat a lot of paint chips when you were a kid?
Steven Bell -1
Yet, not an issue when John Kerry did it. By the way it and he part of dictator Biden’s cabinet? By the way isn’t he a democrat?
Jean Johnson 1
You're an idiot, Ken. I chose not to respond to your comment but to the entire group. You know what ASSUME means. The article includes a statement that this is not the reason not to wear a mask. If I am in the .3 percentage (not percent) point difference and don't get COVID, that's a good reason to wear a mask.
John Prukop 1
COIVID doesn't exist. It's a psychological warfare CONstruct and you bought the lie. Why do you think they had to do a 24/7 propaganda campaign on tel-a-lie-vision, radio, newsprint and social media, with NGO's and everyone else participating? It was all PLANNED that way and it started WAY BEFORE the October/November 2019 "EVENT 201" gathering. COVID only lives on your TV! You've been scammed. This whole thing is all about global population reduction under the United Nations AGENDA 21 and AGENDA 2030 "SUSTAINABILITY" programmes. Go look it up.
paul wilson 1
Another good reason to move the capital to Anchorage.

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Gary Denning 13
Correct. Science is totally phoney. That silly Dr. Fauci with his Cornell University medical degree and 50 years of experience in infectious diseases including working in public health for multiple presidents. What does he know? Why would we want to accept the minor inconvenience of wearing a mask merely because 500,000 Americans died?
Don't play your little game on here . I believe the majority don't want to listen to the ranting and raving of the of persons who have no research to back up what they try to push on other people .

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skylab72 1
Misinformation and lies are absolutely nothing substantive, which makes arguing with you a NULL event.
Ken Lane 1
Yet you have nothing to contributed.

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K M 0
David, you seem angry; and still upset that you didn’t get to ride in the “Big” bus for school.
John Prukop 1
I'm betting that David has at LEAST 25-Years of TEL-A-LIE-VISION cognitive dissonance programming under his belt, including 12-years of public cess pool indoctrination - and that's why he says stupid things.

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aurodoc 22
Although influenza virus is different, the common cold is a type of corona virus. I would just ask everyone how many people you know this year suffered from the flu 0r a cold this winter? Might that have something to do with distancing, washing hands and wearing a mask?
Highflyer1950 11
John Prukop 1
The word "VIRUS" literally means POISON. A "VIRUS" does not exist outside of the human body and you don't "catch" a virus by breathing a sneeze from someone else. The germ theory is a totally FRAUDULENT falsehood and that's what allopathic medicine by the Rockefeller's and Carnegies is based on. Follow the money. Big Pharma and Medical NEED a steady stream of drug induced and vaccine induced injured "patients" to survive. They'll bleed you dry until you die.
Steven Bell 1
Maybe because it was counted as coronavirus
Q: how many people that you know caught a cold this year?

A: because it was counted as coronavirus!

Focus, Steven.
John Prukop 1
You DON'T "CATCH" a cold. Your body is signaling that it's TOXIC. You need natural Vitamin D and light from the Sun. In the winter-time you're deficient in Vitamin D and sunlight. This isn't rocket science. It just so happens that everyone is in the same boat during the Winter months. You'll figure it out if you think things through and listen to REAL doctors who know the truth. Try Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Amandha Dawn Vollmer at or Dr. Thomas A. Cowan on Bitchute.
sharon bias 20
I was in Sydney Australia at the height of the SAR's crisis. Every passenger disembarking from planes originating in Asia was required to wear a mask until they were screened for SAR's by a healthcare professional and cleared. In total, 5 people in Australia were diagnosed with SARS during the entire epidemic. None died. Masks and bureaucratic screening saved the day.
John Prukop 1
The "MASKS" and the "BUREAURATS" didn't save anything. A MASK is totaly worthless - but it WILL make YOU sick and cause Hypercapnia as you overload on toxic carbon dioxide and bacteria your lungs are trying to expel. Remember, COVID-19 is a psychological warare CONstruct. It does NOT exist. It only lives on your TEL-A-LIE-VISION - and your years and years of watching the boob tube has caused most Sheople to be stupid and ignorant of REALITY.
And Melbourne hasn't had more than 5 cases in probably over 6 months. They locked down HARD. They wore masks. They required people to STAY HOME< and if you left, you had to have a reason why.


They are partying like it's 1999. They don't have to wear masks unless there is a larger outbreak, and they track EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. If you were exposed, the government tells you. If you fly somewhere, the government tests you, and requires you to quarantine for 2 weeks, until you are PROVEN to be virus free.

Melbourne is partying like normal. Australia is largely virus free. America? Australia is wondering what the hell is wrong with America, that we can't get people to see the reason to wear masks. Because THEY WORK!!! Because with masks, social distancing, tracing, and genetic analysis if the infections, they CAN control the rates of infection, and have a FAR more normal life now, than in America...
"Forcing 2 year olds to wear a mask is child abuse."

So now we know canuck44 watches Tucker Carlson. LOL
Gary Denning 6
Your Fox News MD degree is serving you well.
canuck44 -3
My degree goes back 52 years and I looked after my patients face to fce from dzy one in spite of my comorbidities. Took my Vitamin D and zinc with HCQ on my counter. If FOX news supports my approach,great. I only wear a mask for immunosuppressed patients. I am immunized and don't worry about me.
John Prukop 1
You were NEVER "immunized" against anything. You were POISONED! You've been lied to. WAKE-UP!
Ken Lane -6
I started taking D and zinc last year. I'm at the bottom edge of the age group of being most at risk.

I have less fear of this virus than I do falling off my roof. And, since I've not been active in ham radio hanging antennas around the house the latter's not much of an issue.
George Pepe 1
I take D, but I don’t think it really works.

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John Prukop 1
Rice, I think you're a certificable crack-pot. The syntax you ascribe proves my point. ay I strongly suggest that you do the GENE POOL a huge favor - got get the JAB and check out!
Ken Lane -3
Boomer, huh?

I'll wear that badge of honor. I'm a child of the generation that actually fought for liberty of this nation. My dad fought at Okinawa where 12,000 died and another 36,000 suffered casualties. I'm lucky to be here. That was a war against an evil empire determined to defeat this nation and deprive its citizens of their liberty. That was the last war actually fought for liberty of this nation.

So, if it makes you feel so great you go right on and call me and anyone in my position a boomer. I'll laugh in your face and call you a complete idiot and a punk.
Ric Wernicke -4
I thought on CNN gave medical degrees, just ask 'em. Go 'head...

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srobak -1
wow.... lotta butthurt people downvoting the truthful comment. Keep in with that koolaid! lol
Ken Lane -2
They are ignorant and too lazy to learn for themselves. They buy up the liberal talking head bullshit without any question.
sharon bias 1
764 people died in the US from Covid on 4/27/2021. By comparison, approximately 30 people in the US were killed by drunk drivers during the same period. When the numbers between the two are equal, I'll take off my mask.
John Prukop 1
NO ONE... LET ME REPEAT: NO ONE HAS DIED OF COVID. It has NEVER been isolated in a lab and it does not exist. Proof you want: I refer you to Dr. Lorraine Day, 25-year Chief Orthopedic Trauma Surgeon at San Francisco General Hospital. Look for the interview of her with Professor Jim Fetzer on BitChute. You're the walking dead living a lie.

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Steven Bell -6
I want someone to show me the proof that masks work. Please someone give me the truth that mask work. You can’t! Because there is no proof
Do you wear a seat belt?
John Prukop 1
Is this the "APPLES & ORANGES" comparison? A seat belt is a seat belt. A mask is a mask. Totally different applications. If you work around saws and sawdust, an N95 will keep the sawdust out of your nostrils. If you drive a car or fly a plane, a seatbelt and/or shoulder harness will keep you in the seat and hopefully restrained enough so you won't hit your head on the instrument panel or worse. But of course. blunt force trauma even with a seatbelt and an airbag deployed in a car ain't gonna save your hide. But not to worry about seatbelts and masks - you have bigger things to be concerned with - THE POISONOUS JAB YOU RECEIVED!
Ken Lane -2
Yes. I wear one when I fly, too.

A seatbelt is a proven restraint from a body mass that is far larger than the belt, itself. It may not do much in a catastrophic accident but it has certainly worked to keep my tightly seated in turbulence in both airliners and small planes.

Now, here's your test....

How big in microns is the COVID-19 particle?

Now, how big in microns will the N95 mask block?

While you're at it, how big is an oxygen molecule?

Finally, how many are actually wearing an N95 mask? Never mind the fact they will not block a COVID-19 particle.
Show me the proof that seatbelts work. I haven't seen any proof.

Everyone knows a covid-19 virus particle is small enough to get through a mask. Apparently not everyone has enough common sense to figure out the simple fact that if one covid-19 particle is bad, then 40,000 of them is worse.

Now, here's your test....

How big in microns is a respiratory droplet loaded with about 40,000 covid-19 particles?

Now, how big in microns will the N95 mask block?

Obviously, we can't all wear tyvek suits and respirators. So what can we do? We can do the next best practical thing, or we can do absolutely nothing. The economy is tanking either way. And what difference does it make how or where it started? Whether it's some random guy in china's fault or bill gates' fault, either way it's here.

Doesn't matter because it all boils down to this: If I'm wrong, we wore masks but didn't really need to. If you're wrong, people suffered and people died. So the con is a minor inconvenience while, for example, sitting on an airplane. The pro is not being responsible for the person sitting next to you on that airplane either sick as a dog or dead, or someone they know sick as a dog or dead (or dozens of people they know).

Honestly, what kind of selfish fucking jerk chooses the latter? A sociopath? Someone incapable of abstract thought? Just what is your malfunction, Ken?
John Prukop 1
A funny thing happened on the way to get your poisonous jab at the clinic: the FACT that COVID and those "particles" you're talking about - THEY DON'T EXIST!! You've been sold a fraudulent bill of goods for something you though existed, thanks to the TEL-A-LIE-VISION and all those HOAX participants like Fraudster Fauci, his criminally complicit wifee Christine Grady, and co-conspirator Deborah Birx and all the minions and other incessant bureaurats at the CDC and NIH. You were suckered! As P.T. Barnum used to say: "THERE'S A SUCKER BORN EVERY MINUTE!"
Ken Lane 1
One COVID-19 particle supposedly varies between 0.06 and 0.125 microns. The N95 using NIOSH standard stops only down to 0.03 microns.

To argue a number of particles is irrelevant. Does inhaling one particle less put you at less risk than thousands? There's a reason why we wore NBC rated masks during general quarters in the Navy.

Here's the kicker... how many actual N95 masks do you see worn? Very few. VERY FEW. And, they cannot stop the particle.

There is no standard for masks. It's an anything goes out there wherever you go. Again, no standard. So, we have anything from a single layer bandana which is entirely worthless beyond looking cool to some fools and the very rare N95, none of which will stop the particle.

Next, we have people wearing the same mask, all day, everyday. They don't get washed. They get saturated with moisture and mucus. In time, whatever is inside transfers to the outside.

I pointed out from the Danish study masks do not work. And, that study was done with the N95.

What was the result? Keep in mind, this is the ONLY study that was done in the real world and not some sterile lab setting. The real world is the ONLY setting that matters.

The study proved masks to be statistically irrelevant.

"A total of 3030 participants were randomly assigned to the recommendation to wear masks, and 2994 were assigned to control; 4862 completed the study. Infection with SARS-CoV-2 occurred in 42 participants recommended masks (1.8%) and 53 control participants (2.1%). The between-group difference was −0.3 percentage point."
Does inhaling one particle less put you at less risk than thousands?

Ken, if stupid could fly you'd be a jet.
John Prukop 1
Ah, the ultimate insults from the stupid one who fell for the JAB. Not very smart. Maybe you'll reincarnate as a propeller blade!
Ken Lane -7
They don't. The Danish study proved this.

"A total of 3030 participants were randomly assigned to the recommendation to wear masks, and 2994 were assigned to control; 4862 completed the study. Infection with SARS-CoV-2 occurred in 42 participants recommended masks (1.8%) and 53 control participants (2.1%). The between-group difference was −0.3 percentage point."
The study didn’t identify a statistically significant protective effect for wearers, but the trial was only designed to detect a large effect of 50% or more. And the study didn’t weigh in on the ability of masks to prevent spread of the virus from wearers to others, or what’s known as source control, which is thought to be the primary way that masks work.

As a result, the most that can be said is that this particular study, under the conditions at the time in Denmark, didn’t find that the face mask intervention had a large protective effect for wearers — not that masks provide no protection at all or don’t offer benefits to others.

Social media posts nevertheless latched onto the study to claim that the trial “proves masks offer NO protection from COVID” or that masks “don’t work,” as several posts claimed. Another post inaccurately described the results as “conclusive,” despite the fact that the authors specifically wrote that their findings were “inconclusive.”

Other articles shared on Facebook failed to provide sufficient context for the study, with one headline from the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity reading, “Your Face Mask Is Not Protecting You.” Yet another from Sharyl Attkisson, who has previously spread misinformation about vaccines, misleadingly states that there was “no statistically significant difference when it comes to wearing a mask or not outside the home to prevent Covid-19 spread.”

Again, the study only assessed the personal protective effect of a mask intervention, not the potential for masks to hamper spread of the virus to others.

The Danish trial, known as the Danish Study to Assess Face Masks for the Protection Against COVID-19 Infection, or DANMASK-19, was published in Annals of Internal Medicine on Nov. 18 along with two editorials to provide more context to the findings.

It’s the first randomized controlled trial involving face masks and COVID-19 to report results. Around 6,000 people who left their homes for at least three hours a day participated, with approximately half being given a box of 50 surgical masks and being told to wear a mask whenever outside of their homes, while the other half was not given masks or such a mask recommendation.

The study was conducted at a time when Danish authorities were not recommending masks to the general public, so most people both groups would encounter were not likely to be masked. Both groups were told to follow national public health guidance, which included physical distancing, avoiding crowds and washing hands.

After a month, 42 people in the mask group, or 1.8%, had been infected with SARS-CoV-2, as measured by at-home finger-prick antibody tests, a positive PCR test result or a COVID-19 diagnosis, compared with 53 people, or 2.1%, in the control group.

While fewer people in the masked group became infected — equivalent to an 18% reduction in risk — the difference was not statistically significant, meaning the result may have come about by chance. Given the observed number of infections in each group, the plausible effect of the mask intervention ranged all the way from a 46% decrease in infection to a 23% increase.

It’s this negative result that some have interpreted to mean that masks are ineffective. But that’s not how the authors frame their findings.

Bundgaard, et al.: Our results suggest that the recommendation to wear a surgical mask when outside the home among others did not reduce, at conventional levels of statistical significance, the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in mask wearers in a setting where social distancing and other public health measures were in effect, mask recommendations were not among those measures, and community use of masks was uncommon. Yet, the findings were inconclusive and cannot definitively exclude a 46% reduction to a 23% increase in infection of mask wearers in such a setting. It is important to emphasize that this trial did not address the effects of masks as source control or as protection in settings where social distancing and other public health measures are not in effect.

Elsewhere, the authors noted that the data were “compatible” with a less than 50% degree of self-protection and emphasized that their results “should not be used to conclude that a recommendation for everyone to wear masks in the community would not be effective in reducing SARS-CoV-2 infections, because the trial did not test the role of masks in source control of SARS-CoV-2 infection.”

University of Hong Kong infectious disease epidemiologist and mask researcher Benjamin Cowling told us he was not surprised by the findings and said it was important to distinguish between an absence of evidence and evidence of absence on the utility of masks.

“In the Danish mask study, their results are consistent with maybe 20% protection conferred by face masks, which is in line with my estimates for influenza,” he said in an email.

“While some readers seem to conclude from the Danish study that masks are not effective, I would only conclude from the Danish study that masks are not /highly effective/, which we already suspected,” he continued, adding that it does not mean that masks are ineffective. “Even 20% protection would be very valuable when we are trying very hard to slow down COVID transmission as much as we can with a range of public health measures.”

The paper’s lead author, Dr. Henning Bundgaard of the specialty hospital Rigshospitalet and Copenhagen University Hospital, told Forbes much the same.

“Even a small degree of protection is worth using the face masks,” he said, “because you are protecting yourself against a potentially life-threatening disease.”

An accompanying editorial penned by the editor-in-chief of the journal and colleagues explained that while the study suggests that the personal protective effect of masks is “likely to be small,” the study “does not disprove the effectiveness of widespread mask wearing.”

On the contrary, the editorial argues that together with the other existing data in support of masks, the “results of this trial should motivate widespread mask wearing to protect our communities and thereby ourselves while we await more definitive evidence during this pandemic.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an updated scientific brief earlier this month that for the first time emphasized the ability of masks to protect wearers, based on lab studies that find masks can block virus particles and some observational and epidemiology studies.

The other editorial — by experts with the public health initiative Resolve to Save Lives, including former CDC director Dr. Thomas Frieden — highlighted several limitations of the study.

For one, the trial was done in April and May when there was relatively little virus circulating in Denmark, which might have made it more difficult to pick up a protective effect of mask wearing.

Not everyone in the mask group followed through on the advice to wear a mask, either, with 46% of people self-reporting that they wore the masks “as recommended”; 47% “predominantly as recommended”; and 7% “not as recommended.”

Most critically, Frieden and colleagues suggested that the antibody tests used to diagnose SARS-CoV-2 infection could have led to a fair number of false positives, especially given the low prevalence of the coronavirus at the time. Even with those false positives evenly distributed between the two groups, that would have biased the result to be negative.

Other scientists at Stanford University and George Washington University previously expressed concern with the study design, including the fact that the study was not large enough to identify protective effects less than a 50% reduction in risk, and the likelihood that any results would be misinterpreted.

The takeaway about masks, then, is still quite similar to the earlier public health advice, which is that people should wear them, but not assume that they will be protected. That means continuing to follow all public health guidelines, including washing hands and staying physically apart from other people whenever possible.
Steven Bell -9
You’re an idiot
John Prukop 1


Well we KNOW that's a total fail!!!

What JMARTINSON fails to comprehend is that all of these shylocks have been bought off by the Gates Foundation to project their narrative and agenda.

Gates has his hooks DEEP into this guy and he even believes the controlled opposition experts to. What a sad and sorry state of affairs to be in.
Pete48y -9
I agree you are an idiot. Diaper face up moron.
Pete48y -4
Also everybody knows the “death rate” is super over inflated. Suicide, overdoses,heart attacks etc etc have been and are being labeled Covid deaths. These people are lying and deceiving the people because of money the government pays for every (pretend) Covid case.
Ken Lane -3
Quite true.

There is a plethora of idiots commenting who have no clue about the design of a cabin pressurization system.

The air turnover is more than twenty times per hour. Each hour, new fresh air is introduced through bleed air. At altitude, it could not be cleaner short of flying through volcanic ash.
Well is it more than twenty times per hour or is it each hour?

Maybe we would get a clue if your explanation made any sense.
Ken Lane 1
It's going to vary depending on each aircraft's system, the pressurization level set by the captain or in automated mode as well as the actual altitude.

You can pressurize only down to about 10,000 on the typical aircraft. Some may have it set at 12,000. The amount of bleed air taken from the engines also affects engine performance so there's a lot to factor in.

Air turnover is an average of twenty times per hour or four to six times that of the average commercial building. Roughly fifty percent of the air is fresh into the cabin from bleed air. Air is constantly dumped overboard by a set relief valve in order to maintain a given cabin pressure.

I cannot explain it any more simple than that.
D Rotten -1
There are a bazollion private planes in AK; she should hire one of them to fly her. That is the ONLY way I'll ever set foot on a plane ever again!! Good for Lora Reinbold!!
K M 3
Exactly but nobody would have heard her name, and all the press would have been missed. I expect she will charter or wear a mask for the next trip, I wouldn't expect the NYT to cover that.
mackdrvr -6
The reason I WILL NOT fly until this stupid mask nonsense ends.
Rick VanSice 0
Alaska Airlines is a PRIVATE ENTERPRISE that caters to the public and can run it as they see fit. Especially when they wish to follow CDC guidelines as it pertains to mask wearing in an effort to prevent COVID spread. If you can't follow the simple rules set forth, take the road, as was done here.....AND DO NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT IT! She made the choice she can accept the consequences!!

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Ken Lane -8
Absolutely true. The Danish study proved this.

"A total of 3030 participants were randomly assigned to the recommendation to wear masks, and 2994 were assigned to control; 4862 completed the study. Infection with SARS-CoV-2 occurred in 42 participants recommended masks (1.8%) and 53 control participants (2.1%). The between-group difference was −0.3 percentage point."
Ric Wernicke -9
Alaska should be very careful. When in Rome one does not tell Caesar how to dress for the Senate.
David Rice 0
Apparently, they do. You DO realize what you voluntarily agree to when you buy an airline ticket, yes? If you did, you would not be complaining about anything, you’d simply shut your worthless pie hole. Enjoy the open road, fool.
Pete48y -4
Better then putting a diaper over your stupid pie hole
John Prukop 1
That face diaper and/or mask is actually a SELF-SUFFOCATING device. I'm now sure that David wears his diaper not only while driving his car, but when he goes to sleep. There can be no other connection to the loss of intelligence save for Hypoxia.
chugheset -2
Agreed. When Delta recently cast stones at the Georgia governor he revoked their tax credit. Two can play at that game. One day when this is all over, the Senator will STILL be pissed off. Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Stewart Smith -9
There should be an exception for travelers who can produce evidence the either they have been inoculated or have tested negative within 3 days of travel. If the politician in question cannot or will not comply with THOSE sensible exceptions to a mask rule, then I support Alaska Air refusing to take her.
Steven Bell 9
All I ask is that the Democrats be treated the same! Not a word was said to John Kerry.
Oh, but American Airlines is going to investigate this incident
Wasn't everybody just pissing and moaning about Kerry flying private? Did I miss something?
Ken Lane 2
He did not wear a mask on an airline flight and was given a complete pass in the media and by American Airlines.
Ric Wernicke 1
Airlines always cater to government. When Nixon was president American changed their catering to Marriot. It seems Nixon's brother was on the payroll. Sounds a lot like the Biden crime family.
John Prukop -1
THREATS, DURESS, COERCION and conformance through intimidation and bullying by using a company "policy" by masked-up marauders is the very definition of TERRORISM!

Sorry, but this one is gonna back fire on Alaska Airlines and the corporate hedge-hogs will soon enough have their TIT in the legal ringer. When that happens and the Alaska SHAREHOLDERS TAKE A HIT - this crap will stop.

You see, we have CIVIL RIGHTS LAWS here in the United States of America - LAND OF THE "FREE" and HOME OF THE "BRAVE!" And those laws ARE NOT up-chucked by a phony, non-existent virus, created and masterminded by the DAVOS Global Elitists like Klaus Schwab and his GLOBAL RESET SCAMDEMIC at the World Economic Forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, John Hopkins University, the CIA and others - including their KICK-OFF in 2019, "EVENT 201" which you can Google on the internet. Just take a look at the U.S. Criminal Code, Title 18 United States Code Sections 241 and 242:



In any case, a PHONY EMERGENCY based on a NON-EXISTENT and NEVER ISOLATED SARS-II COVID "VIRUS" *(See Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Thomas Cowan's SOVI - "Statement Of Virus Isolation" does NOT trump State Constitutions or the Constitution for the United States of America OR THE LAWS made in pursuance thereof.


Alaska Airlines is participating in FASCISM 101! They will pay - because NO BUSINESS is above the law!



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