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EU Advises Its Countries To Block Non-Essential Travel From US
The summer respite for transatlantic tourism has come to an end. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
This country could have managed the pandemic so much better. Now we have people urging bloodshed and forcibly removing elected school board officials. People denying science has become normal, people freaking out about potentially surviving the pandemic is absurd.
America, under extremist exaggerations, has become a hot mess of violence and stupidity that is being shunned by other countries. How far, and how severely we have fallen.
Hate, anger, violence, religion, all sell better than sex.
America, under extremist exaggerations, has become a hot mess of violence and stupidity that is being shunned by other countries. How far, and how severely we have fallen.
Hate, anger, violence, religion, all sell better than sex.
Unfortunately, Robert, you are so very sadly correct.
Unfortunately, Robert, you're wrong. There is just too much stupidity and stubborn ignorance in our government and general population in this country to handle a health crisis any better than we have.
The superstitious and uneducated "believe" they know better than people who have studied this for years. they refuse to believe the CDC, they don't trust science or the scientists or the vaccines that have been developed even when the statistics prove their efficacy beyond a doubt.
Finally, we as a nation are too timid to overrule the idiots and take control of the healthcare decisions that needed to be made. Here, we allow the morons to tell the rest of us what we will do when we should be telling them to either get vaccinated or remove themselves from public society. It will come to that. It's just a matter of time.
The superstitious and uneducated "believe" they know better than people who have studied this for years. they refuse to believe the CDC, they don't trust science or the scientists or the vaccines that have been developed even when the statistics prove their efficacy beyond a doubt.
Finally, we as a nation are too timid to overrule the idiots and take control of the healthcare decisions that needed to be made. Here, we allow the morons to tell the rest of us what we will do when we should be telling them to either get vaccinated or remove themselves from public society. It will come to that. It's just a matter of time.
We can no longer trust the science, the CDC, the numbers, the administration, the FBI, the (non-)vaccines, the media, the election results, the legal system....
The only "science" we have now is Political Science.
Right on Jim. It now appears the vaccinated are the new super spreaders.
Indeed, American citizens MUST get the [then] unapproved vaccine but at the same time our same government is actively importing people from south of the border with COVID + NO Vaccine, and no requirement to get it. Something certainly fishy................
My God can't you people (Americans) ever get together. People are dying because of your ignorance.
Intelligent, responsible people refuse to "get together" with the ignorant superstitious unvaccinated people.
Now comes a scheduled removal of USA from that list. USA covid case counts are recently increased. Some EU nations, <example : Italy> might continue with less restrictive measures for US tourists. In coming days, expect more clarification of the actual rules and regs on a per-country basis.