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How Engineering "Took a Back Seat to Finance" at Boeing

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On October 29, 2018, 189 people were killed when a Lion Air flight on a Boeing 737 Max 8 crashed into the Java Sea outside Jakarta. Five months later, 157 more people died when another 737 Max, this time an Ethiopian Airlines flight, went down soon after leaving the airport at Addis Ababa. ( المزيد...

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vector4traffic 3
I'm curious, wouldn't an un-commanded movement of the stabilizer automatically invoke the memory item for disconnecting the electric trim?
Kathleen Bangs 1
Very interesting Frontline video you can access from the article. Recommend watching especially at around minute :35 when union rep for American Airlines and American Airlines captain Dennis Tajer speaks - he gets very emotional recounting what the Ethiopian pilots went through during their struggle against the MCAS.
Bill Bailey 3
The basic premise of the article isn't wrong. After the Boeing/McDoug merger things did start going south and the company started to lose it's way and it went in a hurry. I was living in Seattle then and everyone with an aviation eye/ear inside the Company and out could see it happening and I didn't even work for the Lazy B.
Once Corp. HQ left SEA it started going downhill even faster and everyone knew it, from the guys n gals on the line to the local eateries. Old Seattle saying, "When Boeing Sneezes, Seattle catches a cold". When Boeing left town, the city/county/state golden goose had left the nest and they had chased (taxed) it out thinking it would never leave.

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Andy Cruickshank 7
Jeez. He is back.
wiregold 10
Since the article is about Boeing killing 346 people, I am not surprised it didn't mention Airbus.
Boeing hired the prosecutor looking at the case and still paid out bonuses to execs.
Does this prosecutor looking at the case have a name?

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