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Three Long Island Women Indicted for Assaulting a Delta Airlines Security Officer at JFK Airport
“As alleged, the defendants viciously assaulted an airline security officer by beating him to the floor with his radio and then kicking and punching him in the face and body while he was down,” stated United States Attorney Peace If convicted, the defendants face up to 10 years in prison. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
The key item to note is that the crime is being prosecuted in Federal Court. That's a big deal. First, by the time the Feds arrest you, then generally already have enough information to convict you. 99.6% of all crimes in Federal Court result in a conviction. Second, Federal Courts don't have probation. The person has to service 85% of their sentence before they get monitored parole. Federal parole will keep them off planes, as most travel outside your home is prohibited. I also would like to see these types of crimes added to a no fly list, like they did after 9/11.
Federal courts do have some deferred prosecution for low level crimes, accessory first offense juvenile cases, a few others. The people charged in this case obviously won't qualify for any of that.
I agree - jail and a lifetime ban on flying on any airline. These assault are happening too often and the courts need to send a clear message that this behaviour is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Flying is a privilege and not a right - we need to protect our aircrews / airport staff.
Well, calling flying a privilege is a stretch (it is no more a privilege than shopping in a store) but assaulting anyone doing their job is so totally unacceptable that significant punishment is called for)
Bruce - Flying is most definitely a privilege. No one is guaranteed any right to access air travel. Shopping in a store or dining in a restaurant are also a privileges. Again, no one has any rights to be a customer. You're allowed in a store because the owner allows you there, on their private property, and they can just as easily demand you leave for no reason whatsoever.
Well, I must say that flying WAS a privilege at one time. Now, it's just a royal pain in the butt.