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FedEx dumps 40 flights, grounds aircraft as shipping demand wanes
FedEx foreshadowed cuts to its air network six weeks ago. Now we're seeing the exact contours of those measures. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Always a treat to see their DC10's and MD-11's operating. A nostalgic touch to the airliners of the past.
I know that FedEx home delivery quality (at least out my way) has really gone down hill. I now dread it when a supplier notifies my package is coming FedEx. This started some time back and If I have a choice I will pay a bit more to get another carrier.
Guess Fred found the point of cost and demand curve
Too expensive for me…the little guy!
Shipping demand hasn't decreased.
Shipping demand for FedEx has though. FedEx's suckage factor has been increasing over the last several years to the point I try to avoid them as much as possible.
Shipping demand for FedEx has though. FedEx's suckage factor has been increasing over the last several years to the point I try to avoid them as much as possible.
One would think this plan would be defrayed until AFTER the Christmas shipping season. People are spending more than last year, so shipping should spike during December. I'm sure that all the Cargo airlines will probably notice a downturn. It had to end sometime.