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Boeing Teases a New Jet that Could Replace 737 MAX
ARLINGTON, TEXAS — Boeing is exploring the possibility of introducing a cutting-edge plane it has been developing alongside NASA into its lineup in the next decade, Boeing's CEO Dave Calhoun confirmed. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Well, no more over-wing emergency exits!
Oh sure. Now you exit into a covered "breezeway".
I talked with the NASA scientists at their exhibit at Airventure this past summer. I joked that that NASA finally discovered the wing strut. (And they laughed at that.)
We went on to talk for about an hour about this new design, how it enabled a significant reduction in drag and how they turned the traditional draggy wing strut into an effective airfoil. They went on to show me a ton of interesting simulations and wind tunnel results.
It's totally fair to ask if Boeing, in its current structure, can execute a completed design for this technology. And whether they can complete it in a reasonable time. But the underlying technology looks very attractive.
Boeing also had on display, in the main Airventure plaza, their sustainability demonstrator plane. That had a huge variety of interesting efficiency and material sustainability features. Dozens really.
I came away from that feeling better about Boeing. I'm DEFINITELY not a fan of their current management, but they still have a foundation of solid and innovative engineers and scientists working there.
We went on to talk for about an hour about this new design, how it enabled a significant reduction in drag and how they turned the traditional draggy wing strut into an effective airfoil. They went on to show me a ton of interesting simulations and wind tunnel results.
It's totally fair to ask if Boeing, in its current structure, can execute a completed design for this technology. And whether they can complete it in a reasonable time. But the underlying technology looks very attractive.
Boeing also had on display, in the main Airventure plaza, their sustainability demonstrator plane. That had a huge variety of interesting efficiency and material sustainability features. Dozens really.
I came away from that feeling better about Boeing. I'm DEFINITELY not a fan of their current management, but they still have a foundation of solid and innovative engineers and scientists working there.
Nice to see Boeing catching up to the design thinking of Giuseppe Mario Bellanca. Lifting wing struts featured prominently in his early designs. He believed every external feature of the aircraft should contribute lift.
Isn't this Boeing receiving government funding (backhanded maybe) but just the same is it not what Boeing and half of Congress were having hissy fits over not too many years back when Airbus received government loans to kick start whatever it was at the time
You can add Bombardier to that list, essentially killing the C-Series and driving it into Airbus' arms. Government subsidies are only ok if Boeing is receiving them.
After the Billions the Canadian Government sank into the C Series Canada didn’t benefit from any manufacturing jobs or economic spin off. Bombardier should be sued into bankruptcy by the Canadian taxpayers. Or better yet the politicians who casually threw money at Bombardier should he sued into poverty for being so willing to waste taxpayers money.
Actually Tim, it is Boeing and the U.S. Govt that should be sued, as in a fair and open market the return on the CSeries would have been there. As Jeff said, subsidies apparently only ok if they are going to Boeing.
Never gonna happen