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New images of 777X highlights massive composite wings

The wing of the Boeing 777X is 235 feet, 5 in (71.75 m) with the folding winglets deployed and with those winglets folded up 212 feet, 8 in (64.82 m). ( More...

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Roy Corrales 2
looks Amazing
Craig Good 3
Now we just have to hope they got the software right.
Jeffrey Bue 1
Sweet looking bird.

So beautiful... can't wait to fly it!
Tom Hockley 1
Anybody know what is trailing the rudder, in the video?
Chris Habig 18
It’s called a trailing cone, and it lets the flight test instrumentation measure static pressure outside of the airplane’s influence. When a new airplane design is flown, the errors in pitot static systems are unknown until they can be measured. These represent the difference between calibrated and indicated. Once the errors are understood, the corrections can be implemented in the air data computers so that the cockpit instruments really do display calibrated airspeed and altitude.
Tom Hockley 6
thanks Chris
Russ Brown 1
You can see Mt. Rainier on the horizon and Beacon Hill off the starboard of the aircraft.
godutch 1
It is absolutely beautiful...
paul gilpin -6
this is a joke. this is driven by airlines wanting to park a 777 in the gate slot where a 737 was.
Peter Fuller 5
777X wingspan with tips folded: 212’ 9”. 777 wingspan: 212’ 7”. Folding wingtips allow parking the 777X at pretty much any gate the present 777 can use.
WhiteKnight77 1
Planes have been folding wings for almost 80 years now.
Russ Brown 1
In prayer.
Peter Fuller 1
Yes, and the 777X is but the first commercial use of folding wings. Efficient long narrow high aspect ratio wing - higher lift-to-drag ratio than shorter wider wing developing same lift - will be used in future designs, along with folding tips to allow use of present taxiways, aprons, and gates. Look at the NASA/Boeing transonic truss-braced wing (TTBW) concept to see the possible future.
WhiteKnight77 1
I would venture to say that if the 777X is a hit with customers, that other airliners get looked at to see if they can use folding wings as well, and possibly more than just wing tips depending on how far out the fuel tanks go. I would fly on them either way.
Stefan Sobol 3
Actually, it is driven by wanting to park the new 777 in the same spot as an A380.
WhiteKnight77 1
My reply was actually for this post.


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