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Reports of unruly US airline passengers up 500% this year
Reports of unruly passengers on US airlines this year have taken off, spiking by 500 percent thanks largely to passengers who refused to wear masks on flights during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a report from the Federal Aviation Administration. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Let's be honest, these outrage generating headlines are getting a little old. Of course no one is condoning bad behavior, most especially anything violent. But put into context it's not exactly a huge problem. They (TSA) say the average is 12 "inflight disturbances" per 1 million pax screened, so seeing as around 2 million people are flying per day that comes out to 24 per day. The FAA handles roughly 45,000 flights a day, so that puts the disturbances at around 1 per 1875 flights. And a large percentage of the disturbances are "mostly peaceful" refusals to wear a mask. Of course anyone reacting violently should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but let's also not get carried away and try to push a narrative that airline travel is unsafe or that these incidents qualify as an "epidemic".
Excellent point Silent Bob!
They gotta sell papers. Apparently, @ the NY Post, the bar is set low in terms of what is considered "news". Typical tabloid amateur hour. Understanding who reads these rags is of more interest than what they print. My 2 cents.
Wait a minute. Only 15% of these incidents resulted in "enforcement action." There's the real problem. Make an example out of a few of these self-important entitled "me first" individuals and they will nip this problem in the bud real quick. The flight delays and other inconveniences to the other passengers needs to be punished to the max.
THAT is the problem right there. This entire issue could be resolved if the authorities and the courts regained a spine.
Make the penalties draconian. That will end this garbage
Make the penalties draconian. That will end this garbage
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Your freedom to swing your fist ends where someone else's nose starts. What part of this escapes you?
Freedom to do WHAT?
maybe fascist aaaaaaaholes appeal to you hucker