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Pilots protest against vaccine mandates outside Charlotte-Douglas International Airport

As planes were taking off from Charlotte-Douglas International Airport Saturday, pilots who fly for major airlines and others were protesting vaccine mandates below. The rally put on by the group US Freedom Flyers was organized to express their stand against the most recent requirements from the Biden administration for companies with 100 or more workers. ( More...

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EllisBabenois 4
Also, "telling people" is not exatly the same as get vaxxed or you're fired.
Larry Kreuger 30
I asked my internist over the past nine months about getting the CoVid19 vaccinations and booster. He strongly urged me to do so and also to get my annual flu shot. I complied…it’s just that simple!
Shocker7777 8
Your choice.
21voyageur 12
Good for you as your choice will have a positive impact on many - some you will never know.
Shocker7777 5
And you are sure of this how?
uapilot 9
Just flew with an FO a few weeks back who was told by his doctor NOT to get the vaccine as he is susceptible to blood clots and he could die from the shot. He applied and received Reasonable Accommodation yet is on unpaid leave. THIS IS WHAT THE PROTESTS ARE ABOUT. So in many cases, it's not Easy-Peasy at all and someone is not getting paid for what exactly????? Heads need to get out of so many Asses!
cyberjet 7
You can’t be on a reasonable accommodation if you’ve been put on unpaid leave. Once cancels out the other.
He’s not getting paid because he isn’t working? That would be my guess.
Juan Jimenez 5
Baloney. The mandate accommodates true medical exemptions.
Silent Bob 9
Not baloney. United Airlines just "won" the lawsuit against them by employees who were granted exemptions and placed on unpaid leave. So even people with legitimate medical conditions that are exempted from the vaccine(s) will not be getting paid until the pandemic is "over", whatever the f^#% that means.
Gary Ondrey 5
I'll never fly on United again. I won't put up with their Gestapo tactics. Good for the pilots that are demanding control over their own bodies. Bravo gentlemen
Shocker7777 2
Not always, do your research.
srobak -8
yes, yes - complying is always more simple than thinking freely. Now go stand in the middle of a busy highway at night, wearing dark clothing. Comply! Comply!
Juan Jimenez -4
Ok, now I get it, either you're always this stupid or today is a special day.
srobak -7
Captain Compliance calling me stupid... that's brilliant. Resorting to personal attacks (as usual and again) when having nothing of substance to say. I guess every day is your special day.
mcut 9
"Captain Compliance" -- good one!
mvstrick 9
The World has lost it’s mind. This chemical substance they are injecting is not a vaccine, has no long term studies, plus one jab has become two, three, and now four! Where does this end? Also it doesn’t last very long! Follow the money! Oh yes, and by the way, it’s still experimental so let’s job the whole world and see what happens over the next year or so. We are already seeing nightmares developing. You people defending this experiment, do your homework.
Joy Miller 9
I'm opposed to the vaccine mandate, not to the vaccine.
srobak 7
thank you. too many people fail to see the reality of this, and label everyone as anti-vaxxers - when in reality they are not.
srobak -1
mike moseley 18
Those that are vaccinated (the vast majority of workers) don't want to work with and be exposed to the virus by the small number of anti-vaxers. It's pretty simple, people don't want to increase their risk of getting sick or bringing the virus home to loved ones who may be vulnerable and end up in the hospital or worse. It's sort of like be intoxicated and flying an aircraft, its a public health issue. Man-up and get vaxed instead of whining, it's not about you and your misplaced political ideology. If trump was able to mandate vaccines I'm sure many on the other end of the political spectrum would resist out of spite.
Shocker7777 9
Fact - Vaccinated individuals can be carriers and spreaders. I have three family members whom were vaccinated several months prior to catching covid and all three were very ill. The vaccine is not a one size fits all.
srobak 1
then they were not vaccinated. they simply received a shot... that did nothing.
Shawn Salter 0
Wait a minute. If you are vaccinated then how does an unvaccinated person present a risk to you?
skinutca 12
You can not be serious asking that question after a year of experience with the Covid vaccines, measles outbreaks in pockets over the decades, and a century of science of vaccination of large populations. If you are seriously please try reading something from actual researchers and not from a news site as it appears the news sites you frequent have failed to give you adequate or correct information.
Juan Jimenez 11
Did you even read what he wrote? Are you that ignorant that you think all vaccines are 100% effective?
EllisBabenois 3
& that's why the unprotected need to be forced to use the protection that isn't protecting the protected
Gary Ondrey -1
Typical Liberal comment. In 2021 the most washed part of your body wasn't your hands, it was your brain
srobak 0
i think you need to read his comment again :)
James Burgess 1
BREAKTHROUGHS: a very significant effect from a non VAXXED person (EXAMPLE: COLIN POWELL), that would not be significant if NON VAXXERS would get the vaccine.
dnorthern 7
You do realize the vaccinated can and do shed cv if infected with cv.
Shocker7777 2
Glad to see you are and expert, maybe you should replace fauci?
skinutca 0
Absolutely correct.
srobak -3
flatly false
Rob Hall 14
The more anti-vaxxers....the fewer anti-vaxxers.

"Over the next year or so the unvaxxed will get infected, survive to natural immunity or die, I'm easy about both outcomes." Perfectly stated JB! My only problem is with the hospital bed the unvaxxed will use for a time which could have been avoided in 99%+ cases.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Citation required
deegeedee 4
You will never see one.
Anthony Fiti 2
Do you know how expensive those are? The starting price for older and smaller ones is several million dollars! 😉

Seriously, you’ll never get one because it’s completely false. If this pandemic had happened before social media you’d have a lot less of these crazies spreading their flat-earther nonsense about how terrible vaccines are, even though they’ve had a bunch of them in their lifetime.

srobak 0
The crazies are the ones who are spreading the nonsense about this being practically an extinction level event - when the reality is that it is either 98 or 99% survivable - depending on your stat perspective.

USPOP: 332,920,000 ( as of this morning)
USCOVID: 46,800,000 ( as of this morning)

14.05% of US population is infected. 14 in every 100 people.

USCOVDEAD: 759,000 ( as of this morning)

1.62% of infected die. 98.38% of those infected survive. 3 of every 200 infected die (rounded up)
0.22% of USPOP die. 99.78% of all people in the US survive. 1 out of every 500 people die. (rounded up)
Reed Maxson -2
I have been following the statistics since April 29, 2020, and have been recording the numbers on a spreadsheet as my personal acknowledgement of the deaths. I have lost two family members from Covid 19. I am not a "crazy" who is spreading nonsense. The numbers I enter on a spreadsheet do not reflect my personal loss, nor do your statistics convince me that this pandemic is not significant.
srobak 6
If you have indeed been following and recording the stats - then you know that as miniscule as both death rates are (vs. infected as well as vs. total uspop) - they are also only getting worse, if ever so slightly - as more people are vaccinated.

a 99.7 and a 98.3 % survival rate while certainly notable is not significant to the point of shutting down the country, isolating the citizens, instituting illegal mandates and decrees, wiping out the economy not once but twice, cutting people from their livelihoods, denying people their rights while tearing up other rights, denying people medical care, and labelling people as racists.

We have other much more prominent and disastrous killers that far outpace covid which society and government continues to ignore - and in fact only perpetuate and accelerate willingly and post a much higher risk to us all than this does.

Unless and until we start dealing with those killers with half the level of vehemence as we have associated with this one - our government's and society's position on it is meaningless and shall fall on deaf ears. Period.
John Waterman 4
And where pray tell did you come up with this completely false information?
Herbert Krosta -8
Read this!
The anti-flu vaccine contained nanoparticles of graphene oxide and the new anti-flu vaccines and the new and supposedly intranasal anti-COVID vaccines they are preparing also contain enormous doses of graphene oxide nanoparticles. Graphene oxide is a toxic that generates thrombi in the organism, graphene oxide is a toxic that generates blood coagulation. Graphene oxide causes alteration of the immune system. By decompensating the oxidative balance in relation to the gulation reserves. If the dose of graphene oxide is increased by any route of administration, it causes the collapse of the immune system and subsequent cytokine storm.
Also, according to this study, levels of graphene oxide in certain ‘vaccine’ vials contained up to 99% graphene oxide and little else. This toxin can cause pneumonia when the nanoparticles enter the lungs. Graphene also causes a metallic taste and inflammation of the mucus membranes which can lead to a loss of taste and smell. It can as well cause strong magnetic responses inside a host organism, and can also cause red blood cell damage. When deposited on most any surface, it can be converted into an electronic conductor. This would lead one to question many ‘Covid’ symptoms and the possible uses of graphene oxide in the so-called ‘Covid-19 vaccine,’ as this study group also claims that graphene oxide actually causes what is erroneously described as ‘Covid.’ If this is the case, then the ‘vaccine’ is indeed the bioweapon.
The very many adverse effects of graphene oxide delivery into living organisms has been long studied, but virtually nothing about this has been mentioned by the pharmaceutical companies, the government, or the mainstream media. In fact, there has been express denial of any nano-particle use in the flu and ‘Covid’ injections by these same sources in the past. The information in this report is staggering, but little effort is required to understand the high risk of using these toxic nano-sized particles in ‘vaccines.’
Graphene microparticles, and therefore graphene by injection, can lead to major respiratory sickness, including lung cancer. Once these particles are inside the body, and in the cells, the human immune system has not the ability to rid itself of these deadly nano-particles, and they become permanent and can cause extreme physiological harm in the body at the cellular level.
Bioweapons can come in many forms, and this is the new tactic of war against the people by this and other governments. The powerful controlling element of society and its corrupt government partners care nothing about you or your families, but only about power and control over you. The real bioweapon is not any ‘virus,’ but is the ‘vaccine’ delivery system itself, along with masks, and testing, as perpetrated by the very entity (government) claiming to be your savior. The elimination of this government is in order.
It seems that the death of billions is sought, and a new master and slave society controlled by technocrats in a transhuman environment is the desired outcome. Today, science fiction has become reality!
Philip Lanum 11
There is no Graphene in any of the available vaccines used in the US.

Please stop making crap up.
mike moseley 1
here you go:
Harry Venison -2
Good Christ, there is NO shortage of you nut cases out there.
Go listen to more of your dear leader "Dr." Joe Rogan.
AAaviator 3
...said the unhinged histrionic drama queen
uapilot -8
Such a Humanitarian. Hope it's not one of your loved ones who exercises their rights and ties up a bed!!!
Again...Heads Out Of Asses please!
Rob Hall 13
None of my loved ones are foolish enough to not be vaxxed and I distance myself from friends who are not, although they are very few in number. Do you not see the dilemma to exercise your 'rights' vs the 'greater good'? I suppose those who place individual choice over greater good will never appreciate the problem.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

srobak 12
Math time!

USPOP: 332,920,000 ( as of this morning)
USCOVID: 46,800,000 ( as of this morning)

14.05% of US population is infected. 14 in every 100 people.

USCOVDEAD: 759,000 ( as of this morning)

1.62% of infected die. 98.38% of those infected survive. 3 of every 200 infected die (rounded up)
0.22% of USPOP die. 99.78% of all people in the US survive. 1 out of every 500 people die. (rounded up)

Simple. Basic. Math.

Here are the covid death probability statistics in the US (total USPOP, without the vax)

[2.4% COVID Risk Age 80+]
1.1% chance of dying by suicide
1% chance of dying of an opioid overdose
0.9% chance of tripping over and dying
0.9% chance of dying in a motor vehicle crash
[0.6% COVID Risk Age 70-79]
0.3% chance of dying in a gun-crime shooting
[0.07% COVID Risk Age 50-59]
0.06% chance of dying in a fire
0.04% chance of choking to death
[0.02% COVID Risk Age 40-49]
0.01% chance of dying of sunstroke
0.01% chance of dying in an accidental gun discharge
[0.007% COVID Risk Age 30-49]
0.007% chance of dying due to electrocution, radiation, extreme temperatures, and pressure
[0.002% COVID Risk Age 20-29]
0.001% chance of dying in a cataclysmic storm
0.001% chance of being mauled to death by a dog
0.001% chance of being stung to death by wasps and bees
[0.0005% COVID Risk Age 10-19]
0.0007% chance of being killed by lightning
[0.0001% COVID Risk Age 5-9]
John Ward -1
You actually went to the trouble of putting this post together rather than having the jab! Me thinks you are not a pilot, but, you do have too much time on your hands!
srobak 5
the fact that you didn't bother to "go through the trouble" of researching the real numbers before drinking the koolaid means you should probably take more time on your hands to pay attention to the important things in life.
srobak 1
It took all of 5 minutes to "go through the trouble of putting this post together". 4 minutes to copy the data from the sources, 1 minute to do the math. That's less time than I would spend in the waiting area to get the jab.

I fly out in a couple hours, and what I do with my time is absolutely none of your business.
John Ward -2
But, your health and the health of you supposed passengers apparently means absolute nothing to you? I said it before - no jab, no job! End of!
srobak 5
My health and the health of my passengers mean everything to me, as does respecting their own choices. Passengers are made aware well in advance that if they have any concerns they can take whatever actions for themselves that they see fit either on the aircraft or off to satisfy their needs.

You want to know how many have cancelled or or refused to fly, or gotten their panties in a wad?

ZERO. Not one.

My planes. My company. My job. It ends when I end. Period.
Math time? More like dropped out after my second year of the 9th grade math time. If you don't know the difference between relative and absolute risk (as one tip-of-the-iceberg example) you might want to dial down the "these are simply odds, so sorry if they don't fit your narrative" routine. Simple odds are not how you calculate risk.

The faster you put out this mathematical dumpster fire the better.
srobak 1
so you're going to argue with more than 18 months of raw data & numbers? You have fun with that.
Brian Freeman -4
Proof positive that you can make any statistical analysis support any position you choose to take...worthless mental masturbation.
Dan Grelinger 4
It appears that true wisdom is in ignoring the facts and relying on emotional outrage.
srobak 2
Sorry that you find raw numbers so offensive to your position. That is the same mentality that gun-grabbers and police defunders take. No thanks.
Juan Jimenez -6
Here's a revolver, here's a bullet. I'll sit back, eat popcorn and watch you play Russian Roulette.
dnorthern 5
That was a sick fantasy on your part
srobak 2
Not that I would - but it is my choice if I do. Not yours. Not anyone else's.
Harry Venison 1
Oh, please stream it !
srobak 1
the way your daughter streams her solo acts?
John Ward -3
Ah! Confirmation you are under some kind of pressure and need a lot of help!
srobak 3
You have a serious reading comprehension problem. The kind of help you need for that is usually in the form of remedial classes.
Reed Maxson -2
This appears to be a red herring fallacy. One example: Showing that an unvaccinated person might be at greater risk of dying in a fire than dying of Covid distracts from the issue. If the issue is one of choice, the statistic of dying in a fire is irrelevant since it is not likely that the victim made a choice to dye in a fire, whereas deciding not to be vaccinated is a choice. Interesting set of statistics, but not very helpful or convincing of anything.
srobak 3
these numbers have nothing to do with choices. It is simply odds.... and unvaccinated odds, at that. Sorry if the odds don't fall in favor of your narrative - but between the odds as well as the raw numbers of deaths vs. survivors of both infected and non-infected - the truth is pretty clear. This is not what they are telling you it is - and these numbers are artificially inflated as it is, courtesy of false cause of death reporting, as stated directly by the people doing the reporting themselves.
Reed Maxson 1
I don't know what you think my "narrative" is. Some of your examples involve choice, others do not. You're comparing apples with oranges and saying they are "simply odds" and stating that it is not as bad as they are telling us. As of 16:22 PST, Nov. 14, 2021, 763,064 people in the USA have died from Covid. Explain to the friends and family members of the 763,064 that it's just odds and not what they've been telling us.
Reed Maxson 0
You entirely missed the point I was trying to make. In any case, I still have lost two family members to Covid. Your statistical comparison is full of holes, logical errors, and will do nothing to help end the pandemic. It's a red herring.
Reed Maxson 0
die in a fire, not dye in a fire! Sorry.
Dan Sherrerd 5
I use this site to guage the current awareness or consiousness of the average person. For decades people have carried on like everything is fine. FlightAware used to be quiet politically.
DonDengler 4
Nothing in today’s world is “politically quiet “.
David Rice 4
Really? A television turned off is not "politically quiet"? Perhaps you've never experienced a television turned off.
srobak -1
I haven't seen one mention in this thread about politics..... only that of personal choices vs. forced to do something.
Harry Venison 2
You literally mentioned an Executive order, that's politics. Now, try to keep up.
srobak 0
long after this post, and only in response to someone saying it was the company's choice. The point was to state that it is not the company's choice, and not stated for any point of political argument. Fail.
Jack Poole 10
Good for them. I have the vaccine and respect their CHOICE not to do so.
skinutca 20
Absolutely. Of course also respect their right to protest. And finally, of course respect their employers to set work requirements and terminate people who don’t choose to comply.
srobak 6
medical discrimination is still discrimination, and it flatly violates the eeoc regs which only allows employers to make medical related requirements and inquiries as they are related to the job, if it impairs the employee from doing their job or if the employee can do their job safely.
21voyageur 11
I hope their mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, children, work associates, strangers they pass on the street and neighbours are as forgiving as yourself Jack. IMHO, this deals in a higher currency than choice, that being life and death. The longer some think choice is more important than life and death of the people mentioned, the longer this will go on. Are 751,000 deaths in the USA alone not enough for these bright-light thinkers?
Shocker7777 4
Covid is mutating at this moment thereby rendering your vaccine useless.
dnorthern 2
The line for the train that will take you to safety is over there. BTW, grab yourself a glass of Koolaide while you wait
Philip Lanum -2
Vaccinations are required for interstate trains.
srobak 5
this is partly false. amtrak requires it for all employees. interstate travel has no bearing on that. passengers are not required to be vaxxed - regardless of distance.
srobak -1
this isn't about choice being more or less important than life & death. the fact that you think it is proves that you have not been paying any attention at all.
Larry Kudsk 0
Be honest. You're not vaccinated and you support their politics.
srobak 7
the choice to vax or not vax is not about politics. it is a personal choice - period.
Agree. And it’s the employer’s choice to require the shot. Everybody gets to choose, and everybody gets to live with the consequences of their choices.
srobak 6
actually it is not the employers choice. it was federally mandated by executive order #14042. try to keep up.
skinutca 3
Many employers did it long before the mandate. Many airlines certainly did.
srobak 4
very few in both realms did - now they no longer have the choice.
dnorthern 1
What is the BFOQ related to the vax?
Respect my choice to drink and drive.
Huck Finn 5
Mandates are just that, attempts to control someone else under heavy penalty. Let me be brief, offering me the vaccine vs. telling me I must get the vaccine are two entirely different things. I am more likely going to get the booster however telling me I must get it bristles with me and I respond with a resounding EFF OFF.
Tim Segulin 13
How do feel about being told to drive on the right side of the road? Violating your freedom and liberty?
Gary Ondrey 2
That's a pretty stupid comparison.. try for something better
People are reluctant to make a choice that could have a bad outcome and are willing to accept the greater risk of doing nothing and getting COVID. Workers complain, but when the choice is made by someone else (mandate) the majority will take the safer option.
LarryQB 2
With a death rate 12x higher for unvaxed people that's the safer choice?
Mark Lloyd 4
Heart disease kills more than 1800 US citizens daily, yet we do not outlaw cigarettes and fast food....oh, and you have over a 99% chance of surviving COVID if you get it. I have been around numerous people that tested positive (later in the day), yet I have never gotten it (4 negative tests).
srobak 4
now now - this is not the time nor the place to start introducing facts into the discussion.
srobak 0
don't be obtuse
Clark Herring 11
Tim is not being obtuse. If you get coronavirus is may not only kill you it can kill others. The US has a long history of quarantines and vaccination. As soon as we start rounfing the unvaccinated and putting them to death you can start talking about yellow stars.
srobak -2
he is being grossly obtuse - as are you. you quarantine the sick - not the healthy. if you don't think we are well on our way to "rounding up the unvaxxed" you are delusional on top of being obtuse.
wingbuddy -1
Your logic doesn’t compute. By the time someone learns he is sick, he could have already infected a number oh his family and friends. These, in turn, will infect others. How does one spell CHAIN REACTION?
srobak -1
Oh I was hoping I would get to use this again...

Math time!

USPOP: 332,920,000 ( as of this morning)
USCOVID: 46,800,000 ( as of this morning)

14.05% of US population is infected. 14 in every 100 people.

USCOVDEAD: 759,000 ( as of this morning)

1.62% of infected die. 98.38% of those infected survive. 3 of every 200 infected die (rounded up)
0.22% of USPOP die. 99.78% of all people in the US survive. 1 out of every 500 people die. (rounded up)

Simple. Basic. Math.

So - to put it with crayons for you...

It is easier to quarantine 14% of the population than it is to vax 86% of it. Quarantine the sick.

That is literally the definition of quarantine.
I was hoping the exact same thing.
Huck Finn -6
Sheep must be sheep. Do it our way because everyone is doing it our way. Sheep, sheep, sheep. Bahhhhhhhhh!
Huck Finn -2
Sheep will always be sheep. Tim you can be the poster child for the American sheep.
Tim Segulin 4
I don't think there is anything sheep-like about respecting your own life as well as the lives of others by being vaccinated and taking simple precautions like masks, keeping your distance and washing your hands.

I have my own issues with government overreach, especially regarding privacy but this is a major international public health and economic crisis and I'd rather be part of the solution than part of the problem.
Beth Fisher 3
Tim, what is the purpose of the vaccine if we still have to take all those precautions? You made tour choice, now you want to make the choice of others? Stay home, shelter yourself and live and die in your own fear.
wingbuddy -4
Seems like because of Tim’s choice he will be the one living on while, sadly, many anti-vaccers might die
srobak -4
the fact that they do respect their own lives is the very reason why they are making the choice not to be vaxxed. when are you people going to figure this out?
Mike Mohle -2
Except that the "vaccine" is not a vaccine, any more than the Flu "Shot" is a vaccine. If it actually worked (including "variants") I would be all for it.
wingbuddy 1
It is a vaccine and it does work. Variants only develop because the virus gets to continue existing and evolving. The way to stop such variants is to immunize the general public. Besides, until a variant is defined and understood, it is simply not possible to develop a vaccine against something like that
srobak 0
this is false and you need to go back to science and biology classes.
MrTommy 1
I think "lemmings" is a better term.
srobak 2
it is certainly more accurate!
Dave L. 4
This information has been common knowledge for over 6 months now, plenty of time to have avoided this but it is seldom, if ever, reported on Fox, OAN or Newsmax.
srobak -6
this is flatly false and is actually almost the exact inverse - and has also been reported outside of fox, oan and newsmax. Remember that pbs is a federally entity and will say what they are told to say - just like the faa.
LawrenceShaw 1
Then by all means seek out pilots who will ignore the instructions of the FAA.
srobak 2
Sure - meanwhile you can seek out the re-definition of words by the FAA
mcut 6
Covid is real, but the EMERGENCY! is a lie (and has been since May 2020).
Innate/acquired/natural immunity is real. Near 100% recovery for the vast majority of infected is real.
Claim that the vaxxes are remarkably safe and effective is a lie. Claim that universal vaxxing will fix our plight is a lie.
‘Pfizer says’ is not science. ‘Biden, Fauci, Walensky, Newsom (etc) say’ is not science. $cience and political science are not ‘the science.’
Anything and everything done in the name of Public Health is not immune to scrutiny, criticism, noncompliance, and Constitutional check.
Segregating human beings based on their vax status is Dark Ages policy that – at some point – history will record as abominable (and non-science). Persecution of the ‘unclean’ is a grave stain on the characters of its advocates.
So-called ‘private’ entities do not have carte blanche to impose experimental medical treatments on their employees. Neither do governments. See, for example, The Nuremberg Code. When forced vaxxing is a public-private ‘partnership,’ that’s fascism.
Our unalienable rights are as natural as our immune systems – given by Nature’s God, not by Man. Among those rights is one’s ability to pursue one’s livelihood (life & property). That right of pursuit of livelihood was stripped from Jewish people circa 1938 in Germany.
Covid has been exploited globally by the tyrannically-inclined to regress the masses into subservience to the despotic State and to certain of their fellow men. Good people, if they are in fact good, need to smarten up and say ‘no’ in word and deed.
Gary Ondrey 4
Absolutely brilliant !! You covered all the bases and exposed the criminal behavior that's going on. You clearly have a great understanding of what's going on
srobak 4
hear hear!
Philip Lanum -1
check out too see where you are wrong.
Harry Venison -1
You spend WAY too much time browsing the darkest parts of the internet to write your own narrative.

Every line of BS you typed is a lie. Go back to praying to your orange Jesus.
Nathan Cox 5
I'm an ATP who flies for a major cargo hauler world-wide. I applaud those who won't volunteer to be a human guinea pig, and don't want to have something foreign injected into their bodies, and told if you don't that you'll be fired and lose your way of making a living. For many of us, this is the only way of providing an income and making ends meet.

For those on here saying "just take the jab" like you did for school, military, etc; NOT all of us were in the military, not all of us have had, or want vaccinations for every little thing that scares YOU. We survived H1N1 and Bird Flu just fine without injections. And most importantly this is UNTESTED (long-term) "science." Have you not heard the maker of the mRNA "vaccine," Dr. Robert Malone say that this isn't a good idea to roll these vaccines out like the big 4 are? Yes, those of us who aren't getting the shot are well versed on what is in these and have made our choice for different reasons. Some because of the fetal cells (religious reasons), some for medical allergies, some because they already have gotten Covid and aren't going to mess up their antibodies up for Covid that are already present. The jury is still out on this "science" and the initial numbers do NOT look good. Israel is a good case-study. Nearly 100% vaccinated and massive problems with people still "getting" Covid and being hospitalized. Search it.

This said, I know everyone can make a choice for themselves; vaxxed, or unvaxxed. I respect that. This is America. We should all be able to respect each other's opinion and have our own bodily autonomy. If we don't have that, then America is lost! "...For the land of the free, and the home of the brave"
mcut 5
Very well said. Thank you, Mr. Cox.
Huck Finn 0
Kissy, kissy, kissy....
Craig Good 1
This is not a question of personal choice, any more than driving drunk is. Refusing to get vaccinated is almost exactly like driving drunk because it makes you a threat to everybody around you. And you can't name a single freedom that is infringed because you get vaccinated.

Your claim that the vaccines are experimental is false. They have not only been tested through all the normal phases, but there have now been BILLIONS of monitored doses. There is no controversy here: the vaccines are extremely safe and highly effective. Malone did not invent mRNA vaccines, and is a crank.

The whole "fetal cells" objection is pure flapdoodle.

Anybody who refuses vaccination should not be let anywhere near an airplane, much less in the cockpit. These protesting pilots are behaving like toddlers. Fire them all.
Huck Finn 2
Sitting in the seat next to you I should feel like I'm in the presence of a god, (NOT)
AAaviator 1
Actually, the ones who should not be anywhere near an airplane/cockpit are the unhinged, self-righteous judgemental know-it-alls spewing bitter hyperbole like an irrational mean drunk.
Dale Ballok -2
Very well stated, and to the point.
I can understand someone who has a legit medical issue not getting vaccinated.
But all the other nay-sayers are just taking a chance with their lives.
Almost the same as people told to evacuate because of an extremely serious weather issue and stay put, either losing their lives, or putting others like rescue teams in harms way to save them!
So, with all the anti-vax statements(excuses) and questionable data presented, can someone please list the number of people that have died from complications of the shot?
I’ll wait!
darjr26 1
What about the pilot in the other seat? Can they refuse to fly with you? Do you care about their health?
Kevin Barbee -1
The Supreme Court decided in 1905 that you don't have a right to say no to a vaccine in the interest of public health! All this discussion that it is a right to say no is completely incorrect. Saying no is a violation of the law and subject to fine or other penalties. We are a law based society with the vast majority of people choosing to be law abiding, fortunately. Those who chose to break the law will face consequences.
srobak 2
darjr26 3
If I remember correctly United mandated the Covid vaccine long before the government mandate was issued. And I believe almost all airlines are requiring new hires to be vaccinated. The vast majority of pilots have received the vaccine. If this small group of whiners want to resign rather than be vaccinated, let them. See if they can find another job with great benefits and the potential to make over 300k a year.
Huck Finn 3
Choosing to be vaccinated is the choice of the person who desires to be vaccinated not the government, not your neighbor, not anyone but yourself. Whether or not I am vaccinated is none of your business. Yielding to the busybodies only empowers them for intruding in every aspect of my life.
skinutca 5
Sure, but the federal government has required vaccination for more than a century for some roles. Schools have also required them. The largest socialist job program (the military) requires them. Private employers require them. Universities require them. If you don’t want to work in any of the places that do, and don’t want to use any business or service that requires them, you are absolutely free to not do so.
Craig Good 4
Choosing to drive drunk is the choice of the person who desires to drive drunk, not the government, not your neighbor, not anyoe but yourself. Whether or not I am driving drunk is none of your business.

That is exactly the argument you're making.
TrustFire 2
If we can’t trust the test how can we trust the solution?
Anthony Acri 2
100% on there side Heads should roll starting from doctor death FAUCCI
KoolerKT 2
Don’t be selfish. Get your vaccine and keep up with the recommended boosters.
MrTommy 1
How are we who choose not to get the jab selfish?
srobak -2
don't be a sheep. think for yourself and respect yourself enough to stay in control of what goes into your own body.
Juan Jimenez -2
You're trying to teach pigs to sing. Let Chuck Darwin take care of them. It's all part of the Great IQ Purge for which the US has been LONG overdue.
dnorthern 1
The depth of your gene pool barely has the sufficiency to soak the sole of a shoe
dnorthern 0
Brandon lied abt vaccine mandates. He lied about Afghanistan (getting all Americans out). He lied abt the truck driver his wife pulled out in front of.

His credibility is zip.
srobak 0
he has also waffled on almost every stance he has ever had in his entire career as a politician. his credibility was zip long before now.
And if we plug the trumpster into your little calculator, credibility works out to exactly -2,665,116,554,010.33333333

It's all relative.
Dan Nelson 1
Good to hear pilots are still rational in an increasingly irrational world.
skinutca -1
Well most are, as very few were at this protest. As you point out, the few who were at the protest are clearly irrational. They have no capacity to “do their own research.” They take their information from those who also lack the ability to either do or understand proper research or how to evaluate data. This is terribly sad.
uapilot 2
So I assume you are the self-appointed paragon of knowledge and wisdom. So you must have done exhaustive research we can all learn from. PLEASE, I beg you, post your home address and phone number so we all can benefit from your knowledge and wisdom as we mere mortals are COMPLETELY unable to handle our day-to-day decisions and we will be needing your help.

The funny thing is many of us ACTUAL pilots, vice the pilot wannabes, handle multi million dollar aircraft and have many lives in our hands YET we don't have a clue what we are doing or have no ability to make good choices....hey, that reminds should have an ACARS addressable code so we can contact you in flight when the engine is burning off the 777!

You are going to be real busy....but THANK YOU for fixing EVERYTHING for EVERYBODY! Sainthood is in your future!

Heads Out Of Asses please
srobak 0
like dr don lemon? lol
dnorthern -2
You just attracted the attention of the bobble heads
N107Sugar 1
So many whiny pilots here. I’m sure when you were getting your taxpayer paid flying lessons in the military you never were forced to get any vaccinations. Hey, but it’s ok for your kid to get the required vaccines to attend public school. Truth is you simply don’t care about anyone but yourself. Glad I don’t sit for hours in the seat next you.
Why is it that the mandate is only for those who work? Why not a mandate for those who are on welfare, receive food stamps, and for the illegal immigrants. The jab is not a vaccine! It has adverse side effects. Quit listening to the main line media and do some research. If you've been jabbed and not suffered an adverse side effect, you're blessed.
Philip Lanum 0
Adverse side effects?
Name of a person with one of these "side effects" would be nice.

Stop making up crap.
srobak 6
The CDC even lists the side effects....
John Ward -1
Oh! For goodness sakes srobak, grow up! The side effects are minute compared to the torment of the virus! I know you will argue against that obvious comment, so, 'tis time to close this contact, and, wish you well, but, more especially wish, if you are for real, your passengers a safe passage to wherever they may be going! !
srobak 7
Grow up? Most of us stop being told what to do by the time we are 18. If you think the side effects are minute - you might want to do some more reading to see what the effects are to people, and stop swallowing what the fed and msm is spoon feeding you. Bet you didn't know there are at least 3 other countries that are contemplating banning the vax altogether at this point because of the amount of harm it is causing, didya?
Shawn Salter 6
I got tons of shots when I was in the military, but there is no way I'm getting these shots. Please don't paint people who are refusing these shots as "anti-vaxxers", because a lot of us aren't. I won't go into the reasons here, if you are interested you can find the info for yourself.
You got the shots when you were in the military, and I could be wrong, but you most likely couldn't tell me what they were for, what they were made from, or what type of immunity they render. Do they need a booster? If so, how often? Who cares? Now, for some reason, you think you know more than people who spend their entire careers in immunology and public health
srobak 4
What I can tell you is that they were exhaustively tested over a number of years before being forced upon those of us who signed on the line, and that drugs (including vaxes) which had been found to cause complications above a certain percentage were removed from any such requirement - regardless of military service status.

And if you are saying that I think I know more than the person who provided the funding for this outbreak, and another person who audited his own company's complicity in the outbreak... you goddamn right I do!
Juan Jimenez -1
You have become an anti-vaxxer. Chuck Darwin will want to have a word with you.
John Ward -1
Ah! You are mentally handicapped and exempt! Got it!
Juan Jimenez -3
Amen. The primadonna glorified bus drivers are at it again.
srobak 2
From now on - you can drive to where you need to go.
Reed Maxson 1
I have been following the statistics since April 29, 2020, and have been recording the numbers on a spreadsheet as my personal acknowledgement of the deaths. I have lost two family members from Covid 19. I am not a "crazy" who is spreading nonsense. The numbers I enter on a spreadsheet do not reflect my personal loss, nor do your statistics convince me that this pandemic is not significant. [response to srovak]
Ian Sayle 1
The Uk is NOT IN THE EEA so we should be able to view all these articles
Huck Finn 1
Seems like its witch hunting season out there for the 'unvaxed'.
mike moseley 1
soundslike they found some witches
srobak 1
has been since day 1
Craig Good 0
Anybody who refuses vaccination should not be allowed anywhere near an airplane, much less in the cockpit. What a bunch of toddlers.
JJ Johnson -4
Let's Go Brandon!
ACHTUNG! Your papers please!
Tell the Marxists to take a long walk on a short pier
srobak -5
truth right there!
MrTommy 1
So, with all the front line workers, doctors, nurses, cops, firefighters, and workers of all stripes opting to not get the "jab", does that make them (us) all crazy? Or are we just not listening to the one-sided reporting by the mainstream media that does not allow for opposing opinions? Not on Facebook, not on Twitter, and not on YouTube. No opposing viewpoints on any mainstream outlets. What's up with that?
srobak -5
Control. Compliance. Coercion. of People.

Literally what "CCCP" means. :)

Bring on the downvotes!!!! hahaha
EMK69 -7
Good for them.
skinutca 3
Indeed. They might not want their jobs any longer and obviously don’t care much about then public or country. Lucky for all of us, them included, they have the freedom to quit. Maybe they can start an airline or perhaps spend some time learning basic science.
21voyageur 2
Anti-vax Air coming the USA 2022!
skinutca 3
Sure why not. If they have the management bandwidth and can find funding let them try. Would be a rough business, mostly connecting low income red state or competing directly with Southwest as an upstart. Will be a challenging environment for them to gain customers with disposable income in more lucrative markets.
srobak -7
why? if you are vaxxed then you are safe. that's literally the entire point of a vax. lol.
David Rice 4
Again, you provide evidence that you simply do not understand how vaccines work.
srobak -6
and you provide further evidence that you do not understand dripping sarcasm.

that being said - since the majority of the vaxxed are getting "breakthrough" cases - just goes to show there's no real point in the vax.
srobak -3
way to misrepresent literally everything about the protest and the pilots & aircrew doing them.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

Please remain unvaccinated if you please but please do not potentially infect others or occupy ICU beds that should be available for ICU patients who have other serious conditions.
Silent Bob 8
COVID hospitalizations have been falling since late August/early September and will soon be at or near the lowest levels of the pandemic. Soon there will be FDA approved pill form therapeutics not to mention the ones the media and medical community refuse to acknowledge as beneficial. It's well past time to stop vilifying people who are not vaccinated especially considering COVID is still flourishing in countries with exceptional vaccination rates.
21voyageur 4
IMHO, time to stop supporting the unvaccinated that hide behind falsehoods and put the lives of others at risk. How more selfish can one be?
Rob Hall 3
3/4 million dead in the US, when will people wake up? Right to choose comes with consequences and affects others, same with freedom of speech...say what you like, just have to deal with consequences.
srobak 0
Math time!

USPOP: 332,920,000 (
USCOVID: 46,800,000 (

14.05% of population is infected. 14 in every 100 people.

USCOVDEAD: 759,000 (

1.62% of infected die. 98.38% of those infected survive. 3 of every 200 infected die (rounded up)
0.22% of USPOP die. 99.78% of all people in the US survive. 1 out of every 500 people die. (rounded up)

Simple. Basic. Math.

Here are the covid death probability statistics in the US (total USPOP, without the vax)

[2.4% COVID Risk Age 80+]
1.1% chance of dying by suicide
1% chance of dying of an opioid overdose
0.9% chance of tripping over and dying
0.9% chance of dying in a motor vehicle crash
[0.6% COVID Risk Age 70-79]
0.3% chance of dying in a gun-crime shooting
[0.07% COVID Risk Age 50-59]
0.06% chance of dying in a fire
0.04% chance of choking to death
[0.02% COVID Risk Age 40-49]
0.01% chance of dying of sunstroke
0.01% chance of dying in an accidental gun discharge
[0.007% COVID Risk Age 30-49]
0.007% chance of dying due to electrocution, radiation, extreme temperatures, and pressure
[0.002% COVID Risk Age 20-29]
0.001% chance of dying in a cataclysmic storm
0.001% chance of being mauled to death by a dog
0.001% chance of being stung to death by wasps and bees
[0.0005% COVID Risk Age 10-19]
0.0007% chance of being killed by lightning
[0.0001% COVID Risk Age 5-9]
Ben Thurston 1
Looking at just one of your "statistics" puts the rest in doubt. According to the CDC, there were 49,860 opioid overdose deaths in 2019 (the last year for which statistics are available) and a population of 328 million. So the risk of an opioid death is .02%--a fiftieth of the 1% you cited (
srobak -1
"chances of death by cause" ≠ "percentage of death by cause"

Stats 101
srobak -1
Heart disease or cancer has and has had and will have a much higher annual death rate every year for the last 7 decades than covid. when will people wake up?
David Rice 1
So you're saying no one should seek any preventatives against heart disease and/or cancer? Please take a high-school level class on logic.
srobak -2
see - you are not paying attention. the point is there are no mandates, no coercion, no penalty, no political and media outcry, no firings and honestly very little effort is being taken to prevent both of these. they have only risen - and dramatically so - as the years have gone by.
David Rice 2
Wrong. There are huge efforts to prevent both heart disease and cancer across all levels of society.
srobak 0
treating them after the fact ≠ preventing.

the numbers - both raw and percentage - have only gotten worse over the years, and have taken a dramatic spike over the last 2 years in particular.

you want to prevent these things? have the fda impose nutritional requirements on foods like they did 50+ years ago. knock it off with the preservatives and the dump-trucking of sugar and salt into literally everything you consume. get some reins on big pharma - which is WAY out of control and all the absolute garbage they are flooding the country with & incentivizing docs to write scrips for. Put the physical back into phys ed in school, stop shoveling tech into everyone's hands from the time they are babies and kick people both young and old outside to go DO SOMETHING. Let's not forget the disastrous impact of both recreational and brutal illicit drugs that are streaming over the southern border. The list goes on and on of things that should be mandated if you really want to help the health of society - and in particular of these two massive killers.

But you know damn well that will never, ever happen - because it kills too much money for too many elites and does not further the agenda of making people easier to control.
uapilot 1
It's a F'ing strong flu! Get a grip. Nobody is, or has, put the world's population at risk.. Guess how many over 80 die from the common f'ing flu?????? You'd think human extinction was right around the corner if we listen to more of this fear-based dribble.

Heads out of Asses!
srobak -1
IMHO time to stop supporting a vaccine that doesn't vaccinate and the thinking that it is some kind of miracle drug when it still leaves you just as wide open to catching it and dying from it as you were before. touting a vaccine that doesn't actually vaccinate as being the holy grail is literally the definition of hiding behind a falsehood. How more shallow-minded and controlled can one (or many) be?
David Rice 0
After all of your bombastic posts, you expect anyone to believe you consider your opinions "humble"? Get a clue.
srobak -1
i was responding to someone else's "IMHO" - if you don't like it then move along.
David Rice 2
Your post states that you believe your opinion is humble. That is what IMHO means.
srobak -1
I am well aware of what it means - and my opinion is equal in humbleness to the one I was responding to. The point that you disagree with it being humble only furthers the point in my original reply to the person to whom I was replying to. btw - that person - was not you.
srobak -3
the fda will NOT be approving those therapeutics because would undermine the mission to mandate the vax and to try to penalize people who exercise freedom of choice. under no circumstance will ANY alternative treatments or preventions for covid be authorized until every last possible person who can be vaxxed has been, and every last possible person who hasn't been vaxxed has been punished into oblivion. you can take that to the bank.
David Rice 1
You make no sense. "Under no circumstance...until every last possible person..." At that point, there would be no "...every last possible person who hasn't been vaxxed...". You should consider metal health medications.
srobak -2
and you should consider learning how to read and comprehend. yes - it is a task.... not something that someone else can do for you.
When will you realise that "vaccination" of a person does not stop transmission of the virus to others or that a vaccinated person is able to contract it. There is ample evidence and data available to support this fact. Inform yourself.
Start by recognising that the countries with the highest per capita vaccination rates are on the way to reach the highest virus incidence rates.
srobak -1
now now.... don't go trying to confuse the issue with facts!
srobak 1
if you are vaxxed and you get the vid anyhow (and you will) - then please also do not infect others or occupy beds as they should be available for others.
dnorthern -5
By your (Il)logic, icu beds should be denied to most who suffer from heart failure, copd, and other chronic conditions. After all their life choices caused their conditions.

You are a blatant moron
Moron here. No aware that heart disease and COPD are transmiiable
Clearly you are a well qualifiedied medical professional to have such opinions
bentwing60 10

keep feedin' the monkey as the intellectual and moral abyss consumes reality!
bentwing60 6

oh well, just some more Facts from the now leftist dominated Wiki. that is yet another lefty "Vanguard" for the suppression of Facts. Maybe you can suss out why I highlighted Vanguard, nah!
srobak -3
what you don't realize is that the causes of both of those are voluntarily entered into and can be much easier mitigated and controlled than any virus. where's the mandates? where's the coercion? where's the firings?

oh wait... the very agencies and entities that would be making those kinds of implementations are the exact ones who are pushing forth all the things that result in those conditions in the first place. Oops.
dnorthern -8
You are an idiot. I said life choices.

You are a frocking fool
srobak -3
jeff slack 5
................"cabal", what happened to education in the USA?

Do not get vaccinated and let natural selection take its course.
dj horton 4
The decades-old republican war on education is paying off in dividends
srobak -4
yeah you might want to take a closer listen as to what "education" (which has been dominantly controlled by the far left for a couple decades) has produced.
dj horton 0
Right… some of the things I’ve miss out on because of my “liberal” education:

* how to cook meth/still moonshine

* how to milk a cow

* how to not lose all of my teeth

* the nuanced details of bud light v Miller light and ford v chevy

* how to roll smoke

* how to drive a combine

Clearly both myself and society at large are in a worse spot because of my “liberal” education
21voyageur 1
perhaps in the USA.
srobak -3
now now.... don't try confusing the situation with facts and reality...
Fred Heasley 1
Is this an aviation site or a place for slagging off people, if this sort of tripe continues I will be leaving. No wonder American is in the state it is. I know we are not much better in Europe.
srobak 1
the article is about pilots protesting. if that isn't related to aviation - i don't know what is. there's the door.
Thomas Clark -1
UNVAXED....FUG-UM Let them line up for their ventiltors and march to the Rainbow Bridge ADIOS
dnorthern 6
You sir, are simply a Pieice of Shxt
srobak 3
you'll be across that bridge before me.
Herbert Krosta -3
The anti-flu vaccine contained nanoparticles of graphene oxide and the new anti-flu vaccines and the new and supposedly intranasal anti-COVID vaccines they are preparing also contain enormous doses of graphene oxide nanoparticles. Graphene oxide is a toxic that generates thrombi in the organism, graphene oxide is a toxic that generates blood coagulation. Graphene oxide causes alteration of the immune system. By decompensating the oxidative balance in relation to the gulation reserves. If the dose of graphene oxide is increased by any route of administration, it causes the collapse of the immune system and subsequent cytokine storm.
Also, according to this study, levels of graphene oxide in certain ‘vaccine’ vials contained up to 99% graphene oxide and little else. This toxin can cause pneumonia when the nanoparticles enter the lungs. Graphene also causes a metallic taste and inflammation of the mucus membranes which can lead to a loss of taste and smell. It can as well cause strong magnetic responses inside a host organism, and can also cause red blood cell damage. When deposited on most any surface, it can be converted into an electronic conductor. This would lead one to question many ‘Covid’ symptoms and the possible uses of graphene oxide in the so-called ‘Covid-19 vaccine,’ as this study group also claims that graphene oxide actually causes what is erroneously described as ‘Covid.’ If this is the case, then the ‘vaccine’ is indeed the bioweapon.
The very many adverse effects of graphene oxide delivery into living organisms has been long studied, but virtually nothing about this has been mentioned by the pharmaceutical companies, the government, or the mainstream media. In fact, there has been express denial of any nano-particle use in the flu and ‘Covid’ injections by these same sources in the past. The information in this report is staggering, but little effort is required to understand the high risk of using these toxic nano-sized particles in ‘vaccines.’
Graphene microparticles, and therefore graphene by injection, can lead to major respiratory sickness, including lung cancer. Once these particles are inside the body, and in the cells, the human immune system has not the ability to rid itself of these deadly nano-particles, and they become permanent and can cause extreme physiological harm in the body at the cellular level.
Bioweapons can come in many forms, and this is the new tactic of war against the people by this and other governments. The powerful controlling element of society and its corrupt government partners care nothing about you or your families, but only about power and control over you. The real bioweapon is not any ‘virus,’ but is the ‘vaccine’ delivery system itself, along with masks, and testing, as perpetrated by the very entity (government) claiming to be your savior. The elimination of this government is in order.
It seems that the death of billions is sought, and a new master and slave society controlled by technocrats in a transhuman environment is the desired outcome. Today, science fiction has become reality!
Philip Lanum 3
There is no Graphene in any of the available vaccines used in the US.

Please stop making crap up.
What is a nanoparticle?
skinutca -3
Actually, I think it is cruel to the hospital physicians like my wife and to other medical professionals to have to care for thee folks at this point. Maybe they can have Dr. Rogan, Dr Trump, Dr Rogers, Dr Carlson, Dr Hannity, take care of them.
srobak 5
Thankfully your wife is smarter than you and doesn't share such ridiculous thoughts, as it goes directly against the oath of medical practitioners worldwide. Shocking she even married with such hairbrained ideas.
wayne holder 4
Well said....glad to see someone with some common sense.
Huck Finn 1
The Scarlet Letter should be required reading for all Americans.
dan davis -5
ADE (Antibody-Dependent Enhancement) is already setting in...Hospitals are full of people with complications from the jab. Best of luck to all that got the poison!
“Hospitals are full of people with complications from the jab.”

Citation required.
Tim Segulin 4
I understand hospitals are full of unvaccinated people who caught covid and learned to regret their previous anti-vaccine position.
srobak -3
you understand incorrectly.
uapilot -1
Colin Seftel 11
Where did you get that mis-information? Science has found otherwise. "So far there have been no verified reports of ADE occurring as a result of COVID-19 vaccines." Source:
uapilot 4
OK.... every time I see anyone uses that stupid stupid label of "misinformation" I literally vomit. What Misinformation REALLY means is "I don't like that you have a differing opinion than me so I will attempt to shame you." You Spineless wonders. Where are the strong backbones that laugh like me whenever a Ninny labels one's opinion as "misinformation?" Heads out of Asses please
Ken Lane 2
I think you need to read his post again.
Monty Baugh 1
All hail the new religion, the Church of the Vaccinated, and its high deity, “Science.”
21voyageur 2
From the same school of thought as "dan davis" (ref. above). Fear strikes again!
Speaking of Science, I was on the John Travolta property yesterday, his planes are all missing (seriously).
RECOR10 -5
Um, I got it AT WORK. I see it every day...only a fool takes an inoculation that they do not need after not doing research on it. Period. There is no way in any delusion that there was enough research on this. From there, we have the (world wide)media not telling the truth. So, do what you want - as for myself? You come at me with your shot (in a syringe) I will come at you with my shot (in a 9mm).
David Rice 1
Is anyone "coming at you" with a syringe? Who is forcibly vaccinating anyone? Perhaps your level of paranoia means you should not be allowed to possess your guns. Please spend all of your available funds on guns and ammo and then you will simply be declared unfit due to mental instability. We'll "hold onto your guns/ammo" for you. Don't worry, you will be allowed to come visit (and probably pet/fondle) your guns any time you want, under the supervision of a Catholic Priest, for sure.
srobak 6
as an aside - if you think that "get vaxxed or lose your job" is not forcing people - you are flatly delusional.
The same is, it is not at all far-fetched.
dnorthern 4

Get vaccinated or you lose your job sure sounds like force

You should also stop your perverted x rated fantasy about pulling guns from folks. Makes you sound weird
srobak 2
Back in July Biden stated during a tv address that door-to-door vaxxing would be coming.

It's not paranoia if it is true... and it is literally the very reason to possess the guns.

It was right around this time that he also said so what if gun owners had guns - he had f-15's and nukes. that dude alone is a far bigger threat to the people of this country than any virus is.
uapilot 1
Thank you 2nd Amendment! Oh, and thank you CCA!
srobak -3
right there with you!
DonDengler 0
Science ??? What “science”.
Colin Seftel 0
The same science that we use to fly a plane. Or, do you think that you should be allowed to exercise your freedom of choice and try to take off with a just few hundred pounds over MTOW?
Bill Butler 1
When I read a comment like this, I am immediately transported back to Cubi Point, PI in 1969. Late night (so the runway would be only 90 degrees of so), stretch -8. Normal takeoff roll 30 +/- seconds. Well past that, as the nose was lifting, the threshold lights flashed by. I guess in those days (that day) MTOW was less important than "get it all in"! THAT was an airborne cattle car!
srobak 0
ok - that wildly flung reach is a flatly nonsensical extrapolation - even for you.
DonDengler 3
I echo your statement. FJB
uapilot 2
Nothing is perfect despite what the CDC and NIH and WHO tell you. You pick your poison. For me, please give me the damn virus!!! Let's get this sh!t over with. I'll have better immunity to boot!

To all the Ninnys who I see here who probably are the same ones driving alone in their cars with a mask on....or wiping every possible surface in the airplane down with alcohol only to miss 25% of the clearly COVID infected areas....take the jab and stop acting like its a perfect vaxx!

I've seldom worn masks, never wipe down anything, and been in public ever since this thing started in early 2020....never had any issues whatsoever. Hey, guess what? I am vaxxed! BUT I would NEVER tell anyone, nor coerce or pressure anyone to do the same as I believe in the freedoms we are given and should never be taken away by the Ninnies described above and posted their lunatic ideas and values here.

21voyageur -1
It would appear that your problem, despite the bravado of your words, is one of simple fear. Unfortunately these days you can find solace with your kind thanks to social media which just fuels flames of paranoia. For the sake of others if not your own, allay your unsupported nonsense and get vaccinated. Your family and friends may want to thank you for doing so.
EllisBabenois 1
Fear? You're scared of a wittle virus with a 99% chance of survival.
Kevin Keswick -6
It is well known that healthy young adults (especially males) are at high risk of developing myocarditis/pericarditis post vaccination with an mRNA drug. There has been an epidemic of healthy young adults just dropping dead for no apparent reason after getting vaccinated.

How long before an otherwise healthy young pilot drops dead at the controls of an airliner? How long before such incidences result in a fatal plane crash? We should all be supporting these pilots in their fight against the needle Nazi's. How does it advance the cause of airline safety to have 1000's of pilots flying around with ticking timebombs in their chests?
Alan Zelt 4
And how do you know it is "well known"? And your source is?
Kevin Keswick 1
German news agency compiles a list of 75 European athletes who have died "suddenly" in the past 5 months since being fully vaccinated
bentwing60 0
This seems straight forward enough for a sentient being to understand,
dnorthern -1
By msm doofus
I am sure he is a well qualified doctor to have such an “informed” response.
Seriously Kevin, how many times to I have to skewer your bullshit myocarditis argument before you stop repeating it?
srobak -3
while you are correct in the first half of your statement - the 2nd half has a couple issues...

1> there are not very many young pilots
2> even if a pilot drops dead at the controls - there is another one in the cockpit. while both pilots may drop dead at some point from myocarditis - it is very unlikely that both will at the controls of the same plane.
3> even if one pilot does drop dead - you and I nor anyone on the flight will know.... the plane will land, everyone will be deplaned and then the medics or morgue will come and get the body. the entire incident will go unreported to the masses, and the surviving pilot will be under an extremely strict gag order - or will simply be disappeared outright.

you can take all of the above to the bank. they will go to any lengths to prevent the truth from being known, just as they have already about everything surrounding this entire pandemic.
dj horton -2
A healthy young pilot? Have you been to an airport lately? Take a good at the majority of these pilots. Pouring out of their uniform, if they wore a garmin watch they’d see their heart rate hit zone 5 as they waddle up the jet bridge to go get their Big Mac. These people are a joke and an embarrassment to the piloting community. We all know 1st class medicals are not created equal.

If these people were so concerned about their health the first thing they’d do is get on a treadmill and lose 100lbs.
My fully vaccinated niece just got hired as a B737 FO by a major airline. Not everyone is sad to see the unvaccinated old timers retire, just saying!
Ron Friedman -1
We are both vaccinated but for those whose DRs have told them not to get the jab such as ones with blood disorders,lupus, etc and were shamed into getting jab.. the 2 we do know died 5 days later.

What about those who had covid and are immune and also giving the plasma to help others why should they get it?

Amazing how some say its your body with such things as abortion etc.. but when it comes to the jab its not your body.. Hmm how far we have come!

But looking more everyday like a socialist Marxistt GVT and YES son in law from Cuba and cant attest to same!
Philip Lanum -1
Names, why not use their names.

You can't because they do not exist.
Glenn Head -1
Just let the uvaxd pay their own medical expenses if they get Covid.
Mark Lloyd 4
Same should be said for those that are obese, smoke, eat unhealthy. I mean, if you are going to make one group of people do it, make it for those that DEFINITELY do not put their health first.
srobak 2
agreed! especially as each of these conditions results from actions that are completely voluntary in nature.
dnorthern 3
Why not. Then smokers ending up with heart failure or copd can pay their own medical expenses. Along with all the other folks with chronic medical conditions resulting from life choices

Careful what you wish for there, buckey
srobak 6
just let smokers pay their own medical expenses if they get cancer
just let fatasses pay their own medical expenses if they get heart disease
just let methheads die on the street instead of injecting them with narcan
just let people who Burn Loot Murder get their asses handed to them by the police and people who want to protect themselves and their stuff
just let people who are able but not willing to work not suck on the taxpayers tit

IF and ONLY if AND when those other polices are implemented - I will GLADLY pay my own medical expenses if I get covid... and I will even pay yours when you get it - despite you having been vaxxed.
Huck Finn 4
And of course issue them yellow stars to wear too?
EllisBabenois 2
Just let the vaxxed pay their own medical expenses if they get Covid
EllisBabenois 1
Of course, they're already paying their own medical expenses for the horrendous side effects.
srobak 1
no - that's falling on all of us too.
J B -2
I'm increasingly coming to the view that with full public disclosure, all services including transportation and medical care should be open but segregated: let unvaxxed pilots and cabin crew fly unvaxxed passengers only, and keep services and facilities for the vaccinated strictly controlled to minimize exposure. Over the next year or so the unvaxxed will get infected, survive to natural immunity or die, I'm easy about both outcomes.
dnorthern 3
Your granpappy had a sheet?
srobak 0
that's flatly dumb and will tie up everything for everyone - including the vaxxed.

look - it is pretty simple - if you are vaccinated, then you are safe from the unvaxxed. that's what a vaccine is for & does, by definition.

if the vaxxed are not safe from the unvaxxed - then guess what? they aren't vaccinated!
David Rice 1
Wrong. There is such a thing as a breakthrough infection. Perhaps you are unaware of how vaccines work.
srobak 2
"breakthrough" ≠ majority

or at least - it isn't supposed to be. Yet that is exactly what we are finding out to be the case, if you look at the numbers that have been in the hospital the last couple months. Once it becomes the case that it is norm rather than the exception - then it is no longer "breakthrough".
J B 0
Sorry boys, but odds are 50-50 for another serious winter lockdown caused by unvaxxed clogging of medical facilities for all purposes after the holidays. In that scenario the vaxxed majority is going to lose all remaining patience with providing the unvaxxed with anything at all.
Mike Mohle 1
If the "VAX" actually worked, your "majority" would have nothing to worry about anyway, right?
uapilot -2
Hey, I know...lets set up camps where unvaxxed can live...remember the relocation camps for the Japanese in WWII? Everyone thought that was a really bad idea but apparently, it makes PERFECT SENSE to the SENSELESS!
Allen Palmer 0
Just because you (mcut) declare that there is no basis for the claims made by physicians, research virologists, leaders of public health organizations and members of the FDA and CDC does not mean you are correct. The information provided is based on actual scientific data and not on unsupported declarations. The latter is propaganda and is dangerous for the general public. Feel free to make your personal choices but not when it can seriously endanger others. Too many have died due to the selfishness of those who have elevated freedom of choice over the health and well-being of others.
mcut 4
Did you look at the document? I don't think you heard a word I said (not that I'm surprised). Your talking points are more important to you than the truths. What a shame.
dnorthern 3
You do realize covid deaths in most first world countries - so far this year - exceed COVID deaths in 2020.
EllisBabenois 2
The so called death total has been greatly inflated. With or of? Too much money has been made from "with".
The long timeline for the various co-vid vaccines have not been fully discussed. I had co-vid and it was mild. I am 87 and have natural immunity now. The only thing a vaccine could do now would be negative. I have heard that that the RNA could be affected but I have not heard how. This entire vaccine situation is still a crap shoot on the long term effects. Lets go Brandon.
mike moseley 5
Not according to the data, natural immunity, especially with mild cases of COVID, does not produce as strong an immune response as the mRNA vaccines. So someone in your situation will probably get sick again and next time may not be so lucky.
wingbuddy 2
You are a prime example of why our Covid will continue to linger and keep flaring up, and more Americans will die
srobak -1
you might want to do some research on the lifetime of a virus.
Juan Jimenez -1
Anti-vaxx = Child Abuse. Simple as that.
srobak 1
actually - forced vax = child abuse. that being said - this thread is not about children. Take it to a non-aviation forum.
wiztom -3
People get the flu and die. You can spread flu to others and they can die. There is no mandate to get flu shots... yet.
This "vax" is not new. Its been tried before with poor results and abandoned. Now they get to try it out on millions of people with a get out of jail free card, whoohoo, sign me up.
wingbuddy 0
Wrong! Stop getting your info from which doctors
srobak 0
which doctors? the majority of them.
Huck Finn -1
Henceforth it will be noted that the wearing of a red rubber ball on one's nose will be required as it has been demonstrated that the incidence of Covid the red rubber ball has no effect on whether or not the wearer acquires Covid.
Scott Sample 2
Not sure what this means, but in reality getting vaccinated not only dramatically reduces ones own risk of getting infected/hospitalized/dying etc, but helps greatly to protect others who may be more vulnerable than you may perceive yourself to be. It's not about "freedom", it's about responsibility to the community.
srobak 1
wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong. Jesus you sound like a damn puppet. On a stiiiiick.
Huck Finn -9
Some of the comments sound like Germany prior to WWII when a group of people singled out by the Nazi regime were forced to wear yellow stars on their clothing to identify them and subsequently to ostracize them. The new scarlet letter is 'unvaxed'. When did minding other people's business become so prevalent?
Sure, Huck. Telling people to get vaccinated is EXACTLY LIKE Hitler’s campaign to exterminate the Jews. Exactly like it. Your critical thinking skills are state-of-the-art.
EllisBabenois 2
It is, yes. Exactly why the Nuremberg Code was created. CONSENT must be given.
srobak 0
the fact that you do not at all see the long-term implications of the slope we are walking down with this situations only demonstrates further that it is your critical thinking skills that are faulty.
George Klima -1
Are any of them still employed? If so why?
John Ward -1
The resolution for those not wanting to abide by company rules i.e. have the vaccine, have one very logical resolution, leave that employment! Simples!
srobak 3
in case you haven't been paying attention - they are, in droves - and across all industries.
Paul Davis -3
All these comments, and not a single one mentioning the Pilots protesting outside of Charlotte Douglas International Airport. You should all be ashamed!
skinutca 4
There are a few pilots protesting at the Charlotte airport. Hopefully they will soon be unemployed pilots. Thankfully the number is small. A massive majority of pilots chose to get vaccinated. A very small group freely chose not to and will soon be looking for new employment. No big deal.
EllisBabenois 2
Because the left are the new totalitarians. Crazy how quickly they got nasty.
uapilot -1
Losing one's freedoms and one's rights to govern their own body is "No Big Deal"

Jesus Man!

As Martin Niemoller said so eloquently about WWI Germany,

"First, they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

Change that first line from socialist to "unvaxxed"

If we give away freedoms for vaccine mandates then the slippery slope will engulf us all. Wise the F up!

Sorry....I REALLY hate complacency and stupid! Deal with it!
srobak -3
a few? you might want to look again. also - if one calls in on a "sick day" but then shows up at such an event.... well - you know what happens.
srobak -1
plenty of comments about them and why they are doing what they are doing.
Allen Palmer -3
Just because someone declares that there is no scientific basis for the claims made by physicians, research virologists and members of the FDA and the CDC does not mean they are correct. Declarative statements without scientific evidence is pure propaganda. As such it serves to undermine the overall safety of the public.
mcut 3
A few days ago, after a months-long back-and-forth, the CDC finally responded to a FOIA request asking: ‘Do you have any documented evidence of a naturally immune, unvaxx'd individual spreading COVID to another person or being reinfected?’ The CDC’s response: ‘No, we do not.’ SEE this document for the proof: https://twitter.COM/aginnt/status/1458951166704947208/photo/1.

The point is, “claims made by physicians, research virologists and members of the FDA and the CDC” are frequently baseless and wrong. Their “declarative statements without scientific evidence is pure propaganda.” I’ve used your own words and demonstrated the irony of your comment.

It is not possible for me or anyone to regurgitate all the evidence behind our claims (against current vaxxing and other covid policies) in this forum (or elsewhere and all the time). Besides, the burden of proof is on the official actors to substantiate their claims and justify their policies – which, aided and abetted by the dominant-establishment media and naïve citizens like you (apparently), they do not do.

It’s hard for many to believe that governments and ‘experts’ are bad actors in league with each other. It’s difficult to comprehend why they would all lie to us in concert. However and tragically, it is true.
EllisBabenois 1
"Someone"'s happen to be highly qualified, Ivy League educated virologists, epidemiologists and public health experts who have everything to lose by exercising their moral right in speaking out. The CAPTURED agencies and their stooges have everything to gain ($$$) The FDA takes half their income from Big pHarma...
Randall Bursk -1
Life is full of choices. As we move forward, governments, science, companies, unions are exploring ways and options to take care of us. Takes time, let the system work. Do the research, contribute to the process. If there’s a shortage of pilots, raise the mandatory age to 70, I’ll be happy to come back. Exciting future with changes in technology, sorry my time is done. 35 years went to fast. Good future to all.
Mike Zorro -4
Nobody cares.
srobak 1
you cared enough to comment


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