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FAA Rules YouTuber Trevor Jacob Purposely Crashed Airplane
The Federal Aviation Administration has ruled that YouTuber Trevor Jacob crashed his 1940 Taylorcraft into the Los Padres National Forest in California on purpose... ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I wrote this off as a stunt upon hearing about it. Any video of the event just proves it.
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You forgot the other option: Asshole.
If you view these vids you make the assholes money.
Stop supporting jerks.
If you view these vids you make the assholes money.
Stop supporting jerks.
I would like to kick this clown's teeth in for crashing a perfectly good 1940 Taylorcraft. No excuse for this kind of insanity.
The really sad part, besides the loss of a beautiful plane, is that someone right now is watching his videos laughing and telling his buddies.............hold my beer
I should add a footnote.......Hold my this younger generation means they can do it better or more powerful than some idiot who post stuff on social media. I watched 3 young men the other day who put firecrackers in their butt and lite them off.
One of them was heard to say, after he screamed in pain, "my mom is going to ask where my brain is."
One of them was heard to say, after he screamed in pain, "my mom is going to ask where my brain is."
He can confidently tell his mother he just lit a firecracker off next to it.
What brain did he have to begin with??