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Pilots' mix up of failing engine caused 2021 cargo jet off Hawaii
Pilot error was the main cause of the 2021 Transair crash in 2021. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I've had my share of failures around the world, both military and civilian. Dead foot, dead engine works every time, and a sneak peek at the gauges confirms.
I always thought it was the pilot's job to fly the aircraft and the first officer's job to handle the communications especially in an emergency. Why was it reversed in this case?
Pilot needs more training on emergency management and CRM.
Likely flipping burgers somewhere or in another line of work by now.
Why not just push both throttles up together, regardless of engine indications. You're ditching, the engines are destroyed on impact with water, nothing to lose. Push the throttles UP regardless of indications if you're going down.
Why not just push both thottles up together, regardless of engine indications. You're ditching, the engines are destroyed on impact with water, nothing to lose. Push the throttles UP regardless of indications if you're going down.