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(Video) Engine failure and forced landing in a Cessna
(Video) Engine failure and forced landing in a Cessna. Great job by the pilot. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
The pilot picking the perfect straight in for the sandbar from a couple miles out was outstanding!!
Prop didnt even look that bad, love the "We'RE ALIVE !" handshake at the end
Nice job. Lucky they were at a such a slow speed when the sand finally grabbed them...
Sand can act as a non-newtonion fluid sometimes.
Great job on an engine out!! Looks like thew nose got buried into the sand making the plane dive into the sand. I hope he had full fuel tanks! It would be interesting to see what the issue was & how they got it out of that area. It is a good landing when everyone walks away from it!
Great landing... Wonder what the problem with the engine was... I hope that it was not fuel starvation... The engine did not sound that bad before it shutdown.
Just came back from a reunion of our USAF Pilot Training graduation some 47 years ago! I even mentioned, during the many 'war stories', how much the _simulated_ engine out landing training was the most confidence building exercise I have ever had!We flew 172's back then. Never needed that training, and it wouldn't have worked in most of my commercial days (we always had 'extra' engines!! ), still it was always a great feeling to know I could get down safely. Of course, this is a primary concept for any soaring/glider pilot... Just hammered home the concept of being prepared!