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PIA flight 8303 lost both engines before crash
The Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) Airbus A320 had lost its twin engines before crashing on Friday afternoon while attempting for a second landing in Karachi. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
From the looks of the Picture ? you can see that BOTH Under sides of each of the Engines have hit something REALLY hard !!!!
The trailing black marks - possibly engine lubricant?
I do the what looks like the Air Ram Turbine deployed.
If the PIA fleet was grounded for many weeks, how were they stored and what procedures did PIA follow to return the aircraft to flight ready status? This we may never know. If the FDR & CVR boxes are located, they will give some clarity to this accident.
I do the what looks like the Air Ram Turbine deployed.
If the PIA fleet was grounded for many weeks, how were they stored and what procedures did PIA follow to return the aircraft to flight ready status? This we may never know. If the FDR & CVR boxes are located, they will give some clarity to this accident.
Avation Safety Network has photos taken of it on the go around showing damage to both engines very clearly from runway contact thats what it is not oil.
Is 3 greens one of the parameters on the FDR ? If the checklist is conducted audibly/verbally it should be on the CVR.
First try to land was with gear up. Damage to engines was fatal.
If the blackening of the engine undersides is indeed physical damage due to contact with runway, the angle of this blackening would lead one to expect similar damage to aft underbelly and tail skid.
From the photo, this is not evident.
From the photo, this is not evident.
Sounds like a lack of fuel.