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LAX Flight Grounded After Passenger Discovers ‘Al Quida’ Wi-Fi Hotspot

LOS ANGELES ( — Passengers on an American Airlines flight from LAX to London were making new travel arrangements Monday after their jet was grounded after a customer expressed concern over a Wi-Fi network name. KNX 1070’s Pete Demetriou reports the flight was turned back to the gate late Sunday night after a passenger logged on to his computer and found a hotspot labeled “Al Quida Free Terror Nettwork”. ( More...

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John Berry 8
I've always named my WiFi "Virus Infected". It sure keeps 99% of the moochers from trying to get online through mine without paying for their own.
btweston 9
I just have a password.
That's what I have. Most intelligent people will know you're bs ing when you name your WiFi, DEA van and alla that crap!!!
bthiago 2
one that is close to me at my apartment is "FBI Van3" lol
srobak 0
you must live close to me. :)
WtfWtf 6
This is dumb. Like a real terrorist would advertise that in English. Obviously someone has a sense of humor (although arguably twisted and way too soon ).. Anyway.. Wasted gas.
sparkie624 1
I agree... But it sounds like someone did hacked into it... Maybe just as a joke, and it could have been a kid flying on a previous flight....
Based on this article, it does not say anything about anyone hacking into a network I took it as a passenger on the plane had a device (cellphone) that can be used as a wifi hotspot and set the hotspot name. And I'm guessing that they probably turned of the hotspot feature or made it invisible once they realized that the joke just turned serious.
AWAAlum 3
The thing is - jokes are supposed to be funny.
sparkie624 2
Possible... Still a joke gone very bad. I hope the catch the person responsible, but I doubt that they ever will.
What will catching the person do??? No crime was committed...
Jason Feldman 16
I disagree - a HUGE crime against humanity was committed by naming the WIFI Hotspot "Al Quida.."

We need to find the people responsible and torture them until they give up the reason for their blatant attack on our western culture. We should do a rendition flight to a non-extradition, torture legal nation where we can hold the prisoner

1. Without charging them of any specific crime
2. Not allow them due process
3. Not give them their day in court
4. Not show them the "evidence" against them
5. Not honor any habeas corpus requests
6. Use "enhanced interrogation techniques"

Wait - isn't this type of government the very thing we are trying to rid the world of? Don't we WANT democracy, freedom, unalienable human rights, constitutional freedoms and protections....


I hope someday.... soon preferably... our nation will wake up from this nightmare and return to normal.
AWAAlum 4
I think all of those things are practiced right now by the Department of Homeland Security. I believe if they haul you in, your rights are pretty much out the window.
Kurt Anderson 2
I agree with you 100%. Me, I am 67 and not in the greatest shape so I don't think I'll be around to see our country back the way it should be. I just worry about my four daughters and my grandkids. What will they have to live through, it there is anything left to live for.
n9341c 1
Settle down, captain happy.
srobak 1
To be completely honest - utilizing a federally regulated environment in a deliberate fashion to instill fear or severe concern in the masses could possibly be taken as a terroristic threat. Yes - you and I might know it was a sick and twisted joke gone wrong, but with all the people who are scared chitless of flying in the first place, on top of the uber-paranoids now who are convinced their flight will end up being the next 9/11.... I'd have to say I kinda view it even a bit worse than yelling "fire!" in a dark and crowded movie theatre.
btweston 1
The person responsible? For what?
jcsjcs 2
I think he's talking about the person who made the decision to call back a plane because of a randomly named WiFi hotspot.
Bernie20910 1
Why? So that they can... what exactly? As the police said, no crime had been committed. It was a major, over-the-top overreaction on the part of the passenger who discovered it (and why were they even on a laptop looking for wifi while taxiing), on the part of the crew, and by the responding security people. Whoever named their hotspot that did nothing wrong (again, as per the police, no crime was committed) and is not responsible for how it was handled.
Perhaps terrorism's greatest single impact on the rational world has been to change air travel from a fairly convenient, usually fast means of transport into a sort of cross between an endurance test a trial of patience and a form of slow torture.
Bernie20910 4
Okay, that's what the airlines have done, but what was that you were saying about the terrorists?
Didn't say much about terrorists, they have caused agro in many fields but they have failed completely to achieve anything constructive for their supposed causes
AWAAlum 1
Obviously I don't know or understand the mindset of a terrorist, but it seems to me that any time a terrorist act interferes with commerce or kills anyone other than one of their own, they feel they've achieved success.
That is possible but reality shows that life goes on pretty much as before albeit with a certain necessarily imposed inconvenience.
The important thing which does not seem to be happening is a realistic search into the root cause of terrorism.
In my books desperation in the face of political stagation, ongoing blindly biased support of Israel by the US to the detriment of Palestinians for example.
paul trubits 9
Mike: you hang around long enough, you will find that nice people come in all shapes, sizes, ages, sexes, religions, ethnic groups and sexual preferences. Same with jerks. Fear of strangers is programmed into our DNA. Don't hate the players, hate the game.
John Leslie 9
Yet another win for the 'bad guys'! Every time I pass through "airport security" and see the hundreds of man hours wasted, and consider the millions or billions spent each year on this, I realize that even if there is never ever even another attempt at a hijacking, the 'bad guys' must be chuckling and thinking what an enormous victory they have already had. IF they really wanted to circumvent security they could: governments feel forced to at least put on a show to appease the public's anxieties.
Our 'free world' is overwhelmed by paranoia and our freedoms curtailed.
All very sad.
(And I guess I can expect a knock on the door from CIA or DHS or a black mark on my travel documents for even raising this :-(
joel wiley 4
If you consider the goal of terrorism is to force an alteration in the behavior of the target population, TSA is a classic example of a terrorist 'win'. If you never post again, I will assume that you got the knock and have been disappeared.
AWAAlum 0
John, you make a point regarding the paranoia, but it's well founded isn't it. As far as the government appeasing the public's anxieties, I have to disagree - the public is far from appeased, rather it's fed up with the measures that have been put into place supposedly for its own protection, so I don't see how you arrived at that idea. The unfortunate part of all this is it's absolutely necessary - however, it's a shame it isn't doing better at keeping the traveling public safe, rather than some spreading the bad PR by rifling through our property and taking what catches their eye. In my opinion, that particular job should be looked at with gratitude by the traveling public instead of sneers by simply performing their job properly.
Marcus Pradel 4
This is like when you scan for some free/open WiFi and find a network called 'DEA Surveillance Van".

Funny, but probably Politically Incorrect just like using the "B" word at the airport.
beathan1988 3
The hot spot was probably harmless. I'd be more worried about a network named 'fluffy bunny pillow', and I wouldn't be worried about that. I doubt that a terror network would name their WiFi with their name. Maybe someone did it just to catch the ones who weren't putting their machines away...
Carl Mckinzey 3
I am so sorry for your losses Mike, but most of all I'm sorry for the hate you have that must eat at your hart. I can only emagin the hate some Muslims must have toward us for all that has been done to them, thousands of there children killed by US bombs gone astray. Seems we turn our heads and don't want to see the truth. I served 30 years in the US Army combat engineers and I served with some of the bravest men I ever known, many of them Muslim. There were Muslims that died at the towers trying to save lives, one NYPD cadet. There were 30 Muslim children left orphaned that day. Please try to focus on the people that are the problem, not the religion they hide behind. Thank you for your service Mike, because of people like you and your sacrifices we have the freedom to write what we feel and believe what we want.
CaptBmckay 3
Its odd that someone would Name Their Hotspot that especially in the world we live in
preacher1 3
Well, to boot, as below, why was somebody on their computer while the plane was taxiing? If there was any crime it was there for not following FA instructions to stow them.
jcsjcs 2
Do you still have to switch off your electronics during taxi and takeoff? That's so yesterday ;-)
(LH allows the use on certified planes, but WiFi also has to be off during taxi and takeoff.)
preacher1 2
All kind of sicko's out there
CaptBmckay 2
Your right. Its crazy.
btweston 2
Curses! Foiled again!

You know, it was such a good plan... But that damned wi-fi name...
Russ Nelson 2
Wow. Al-Queda doesn't even need to be ON an airplane to disrupt travel.

When did Americans become such cowards??
dee9bee 2
What? Que? This story does not "compute". They are taxiing out and some guy is on his computer? He finds a wifi hotspot he doesn't like and they return to the gate? What am I missing?
Kevin Delaney 10
You're missing nothing. We are afraid of shadows.
Matt Taylor 1
Reason the flight turned back was because the flight attendants didn't feel comfortable continuing the flight even though the air marshalls cleared everyone on the flight.
Dave H 1
I wonder if they found out I use my dogs name somewhere you think they would ground a flight? I hope they don't my 10 year old girl named her! !
paul trubits 1
Chris P: more likely a product of our public education system.
papiano 1
I'm guessing "Al Quida" is Spanish for Al-Qaeda?
Larry Tullos 1
My two favorites: NSA Drone #4 and AA Toilet Cam
Dave Mathes 1
Jason....I'm afraid I don't know what 'normal' is anymore....besides, I'm on bingo fuel so the heading's due south.!
Ian Garthwaite 1
If you don't want people trying to latch on to your wifi then why not simply hide your SSID?
BigTuna 1
SSIDs were not designed to be hidden and consequently are easily found using any of several utilities out there.
preacher1 1
Methinks, as one poster said, there are a lot of funky titles to stop the password and freebie trolls, but the question remains, WHY IS HE ON A LAPTOP DURING TAXI ANYWAY? If there was any breach of the law, it was there and not in naming the wi fi network.
James Hodges 1
I found one named FBI Surveillance Unit 47 in Myrtle Besch.
joel wiley 1
Just looked around home:
Forever Purple
CIA Unit 27
Hidden Network
Liked the last one.
adambear8 1
There is some typos it seems with the stated times they are all PM. There is no way the plane was delayed until 1PM the next day. Maybe 1AM but not 1 PM.
preacher1 3
CBS This Morning did say it departed just before 2PM Monday; they may have just been repeating an error but that is what they said. The 1AM makes a whole lot more sense.
btweston 2
You just said "there is some typos."
AWAAlum 1
When I come across a grammar nazi, I just softly say - "now, now - there, their, they're"
max lyons 1
1) What was the person doing looking for Wi-Fi anyways when the plane was taxiing?? All cell phones and laptop computers should be turned off once the cabin doors are closed.
2) I can't believe some people are this naive to believe something stupid like this. What's next?? A flight that gets cancelled because a passenger finds a hotspot called "I have ebola??"
btweston 2
1) Apparently you don't follow the news.

2) Yes, we are a nation of children. Have a pumpkin spice latte and go back to the couch.
mq4188 0
Obviously, the idiot has never flown from IAD and noticed the "screeners" checking ID's who work for contractors and refuse to speak english when speaking to their co-workers.

He would run out screaming like his hair is on fire!
Carol Creason -1
If they had not acted on the suspicious and something bad happened, everyone would be saying they should have done something.
joel wiley 1
Whenever something bad happens, people are always finding things that 'they' should have been doing.
Carol Creason -1
It would be possible for us to ignore such "insignificant" threats for fear of looking "silly"….just what the terrorists want!!! I don't think we should make it easy for them to see if this would get attention or not. It could have been a dry run to see what would happen.
jcsjcs 1
Dry run? To find out that they better name their Wifi hotspot "Wifi Hotspot" or "Texas" or "NY Lover"?

The sad thing is that if something had happened, there would be people crying out how one could have ignored such a blatant sign...

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Bernie20910 2
Now let's think about this... If I were one of the people Mike describes, who would I make my priority target? Ah yes, the one trying to warn all the others!

Keep talking Mike, you're our canary... As long as we keep seeing you spew your hatred we'll know it's BS.

It's when guys like Mike get silenced that you have to worry.

[This poster has been suspended.]

preacher1 3
Well, agree or disagree, he has the right to say it. You don't have to like it but it is his right to think that way. Lot's on here and elsewhere I don't agree with but I gave my time that they would have the right to say it without fear of persecution.
Bernie20910 5
Funny thing about that, and I served my time too, you're (as an American) only guaranteed that Congress will make no law restricting your freedom of speech. That's it. Just Congress is restricted. Everyone else is still free to point at you and snicker at what a dumbass you're being.

Right Mike?
preacher1 4
You are correct. I really think his comments ought to be allowed to stand, though, rather than be yanked by FA because they might offend someone. As we have said, we all have our rights to expression and disagreement. Problem is that a lot of people can't stand for someone to disagree with them and always want somebody to run interference for them. Those just need to get over it. There are some things that just won't change because they want it too.
Bernie20910 8
His comment wasn't "yanked by FA" though. It simply got enough downvotes that it isn't shown unless you actually click the link to read it. That's a big difference.
preacher1 1
Technically it was as that is their policy. It shouldn't matter if he got 100 down votes. If somebody didn't want to read it, let them go on. Oh Well! LOL

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Bernie20910 3
Ummm... You mean like the IRA did in the 70's? How about blacks Mike? After all, didn't the Black Panthers do it too?

I'll bet that during WWII you would have been in favor of the Japanese internment camps too, right?

You paint with too broad of a brush Mike, and it dilutes your efforts and your effectiveness. Learn to narrow your focus to just those individuals that really are the enemy and you might even get taken seriously. Until then, you're just one more loudmouth bigot screaming, "All <insert racial/ethnic/religious group here> are <insert negative activity here> and should be <insert ultimatum here>!" because they are no different from the group they hate, and are just too stupid to realize it.

[This poster has been suspended.]

Sorry for what you're going through, but you can't label everyone like that. I would be angry too, as I'm sure most on here would be. Hopefully in time it gets better for you...
sparkie624 3
Sorry to hear about your loss, I know it is very hard and I do agree with you...

I almost lost a friend that was supposed to be in the twin towers for a job interview.. He would have been near the top floor. He could not find a parking spot and left the area 15 minutes before the attack... BTW, he has never complained about bad parking ever since...
Bernie20910 4
NYC EMT for 14 years, PTSD retired after 9/11. 7 of the EMT's lost at Ground Zero were friends and former partners. Two of my brothers were first responders there, one FDNY, one NYPD. STFU bigot.
John Danzy 4
What a breath of fresh air. You, sir, are a real patriot. Thank you for your service and for speaking up against bigotry.
preacher1 3
Bernie, you are the one that kept the conversation going and are old enough to know to just agree to disagree as neither one of you will change your mind. Your STFU ending is not a really an appropriate conversation ender.
Bernie20910 4
You're right, and I apologize for that. I simply cannot tolerate bigots and ignorant fools who refuse to use their brains. I guess I better stay off this site from now on, since it seems from "Mike's" posts (too coward to use his real name to spew his hatred it seems) they are so welcome here.
preacher1 2
I don't know that his comments are welcome as much as they are actually truthful. I understand your feelings about bigots and all but in the 121/35 world, he is probably not that far off base as far as what is actually thought and left unsaid by many. I have a lot of muslim friends but by the same token, I haven't really sought them out. They kinda came around on their own. The dr. that took my lung out a couple weeks ago was joking a week or 2 before surgery about how he wished the muslims would celebrate Ramadan(?) with something besides a fast. He said he liked to eat too much. I can respect that as he is part of this society and acclimating into our world. He is very much muslim, of Iranian descent, I think. It would not done me much good to ask for another dr. as there were more behind him. They aren't all bad but there is a point that you cannot pick and choose. Just as with the Hamas and Palestinians, they are going to have to get rid of Hamas if the Mideast talks will go anywhere. Up until that point, it behooves us to be on guard from others.

[This poster has been suspended.]

John Danzy 6
Try to live and enjoy life, Mr. Oxlong. I know it's hard for you being filled with hate. Say what you want here but deep inside you know you're life sucks.
His life "sucks" because he lost two sons. Yeah, he's wrong for his hate against certain people, but maybe in time he'll come around. Being harsh to his harshness isn't going to help him...
John Danzy 4
And neither will being harsh or being a bigot towards those who don't look caucasian help him or bring back his sons.
Bernie20910 4
Just to clarify, I KNOW who the enemy is, and it's not "every" anybody. I don't blame all for the actions of some, but the some WILL pay their butchers bill, in full.

Focus on the enemy, not the race, not the religion, not even the group, just the actual enemy.
preacher1 2
I got to stand with Mike. It may not be fair to the muslim religion to put them all in the same category, but you can't walk up to each one individually and ask if you are a terrorist wanting to kill me or blow up my plane. It is just much more efficient to not have anything to do with the group as a whole. Let the burden be on them to remove the stigma. So far, I have not seen any evidence of it so we'll just have to see I guess.
AWAAlum 1
Walk in another's shoes. Hating ALL Americans because government has decided to declare war on SOME Muslims - the ones who have chosen the terrorist route, but have killed unknown numbers of innocent Muslims while doing so. It's a futile issue. If America kills their people, all Americans will be considered responsible. If Muslims kill American people, all Muslims will be considered responsible. It used to be easy to identify the "enemy" by the uniform they wore. Not so easy any more.
james pomerville -4
Mike, Funny thing is .. If you were to say the same thing about Christians,You would probably have 50 Squawks. Political correctness is our undoing ...
james pomerville -2
LOL at the down vote trolls
AWAAlum 0
Political correctness has its place. Some simply take it too far. But it does show, as a species, we're still evolving and in this case, for the better.
Tom Bruce -4
well, at least you have guts enough to say come all the PC people!
Bernie20910 8
It doesn't take guts to be a bigot, just stupidity.


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