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Airbus' self-flying plane just completed successful taxi, take-off, and landing tests, opening the door for fully autonomous flight
Airbus just completed its Autonomous Taxi, Take-Off, and Landing project that saw one of its jets perform normally pilot-flown maneuvers entirely on its own. The A350-1000 XWB acted as the testbed for the project in its role as Airbus' flagship, with onboard cameras assisting the new technology. The project's successful completion opens the door for fully autonomous flights as autopilot already handles most of the functions while airborne. The common belief with airplanes is that they… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I have no problem with automated flight systems, but the day they remove the pilots from the aircraft and go to fully automated, unsupervised flight is the day I stop flying.
"Open the pod door, Hal" "I'm sorry, Dave" - 2001 A Space Odyssey
lol yep
will the computer be able to land on the Hudson? Will a computer be able to fly the plane as a glider to the Azores and land it? What about gliding to an abandoned airstrip in Gimli Manitoba? There are too many reasons to justify needing real, experienced Pilots instead of computers or remote operators.
And yet the military has been flying drones halfway around the world from NEvada for years. And yes, computers will be that smart that they will be able to operate emergency landings and they will probably be able to do it quicker and more efficient.
Which will be slammed shut by the people who would otherwise be their passengers.