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FAA To Southwest: Here, Hold My Beer
No sooner had my trickle of Southwest Airlines memes dried up then a whole new batch flooded in like a digital version of an atmospheric river from the sodden Pacific. This time, it was the failure of the NOTAMs system. Shocked was I to learn that (a) so many people didn’t know that it’s now Notices to Air Missions, not to Airman and (b) that a single misplaced 0 or 1 could take down the world’s most efficient and safe airspace system that (c) turns out to be neither. Well, OK, it’s safe at… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Love the headline
LOL.. One of the biggest reasons I posted it!
Wise ol' curmudgeon, Bertorelli is always a hoot to read.
It was more important to update the name of the system so as no one could possibly be offended or felt excluded by the name of system. This is an example of what occurs when citizens vote for incompetence over qualifications and experience.
FAA contractors are retired FAA people so why would anyone expect them to be more competent?
Before walking the paperwork out to the pilot I would scan it. I wanted to see if there was any volcanic activity in Upstate NY. Nope.
And now the DOT/FAA lay the blame on an error by a contractor. Shameful.