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Pilots' mix up of failing engine caused 2021 cargo jet off Hawaii
Pilot error was the main cause of the 2021 Transair crash in 2021. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Well you had a 50/50 chance of being right? Memory items work well as long as you remember them. Loss of thrust, high EGT, N1, N2 Fuel flow and what would the other engine parameters look like at idle, never mind throttle position….. normal….then firewall the sucker cause speed and altitude are your friends.
Dead foot-dead engine still works for me, the Kiss method.
take a deeo breath, scan
the panel and answers come quickly and correctly. Bark up and get agreement on what is presented. Nobody needed to die on this trip. Old classic 737s need to be protected from incompetent pilots
the panel and answers come quickly and correctly. Bark up and get agreement on what is presented. Nobody needed to die on this trip. Old classic 737s need to be protected from incompetent pilots
There were no fatalities.
deep breath,,,, so when is flightaware gonna get spell check ????
Patrick Baker, it is the poster not Flight Aware who needs to check the spelling!
I learntd to spel in meye english class, and amas good as spel cheque, maybee gooder
I think I might have been in your class!
Perfikly unner stan abel.
I guess spell check & editing features is asking too much from F.A.