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Frontier Airlines Sued For $100 Million Over Hidden Fees
Frontier Airlines has begun expansion plans to San Francisco and Chicago. Unfortunately, In the middle of these new plans have landed a lawsuit. Frontier is being sued for $100 million over "hidden" baggage fees and other payments that are not made clear until after payment. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
In addition, I do not see how airlines like Breeze and Frontier are allowed to do business without a phone number
This is long overdue and it's the same shit the telecom industry used to do with cell and cable providers. Now they don't do it anymore.
Full rate disclosure up front is never a bad thing.
Full rate disclosure up front is never a bad thing.
Agreed. The new culture is starting to demand to see the gross amounts up front, not the net.
Whether or not she wins, I'm glad she's suing. These *are* deceptive practices, and we've all seen other airlines use similar ones. It's not particularly relevant that it's possible through enough reading of fine print to figure out the actual fee structure, the intent behind the maze is to confuse and deceive. The lawsuit shines a light on these practices everywhere and thus puts pressure to correct them.
Greed is hurting us all...
[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]
Nobody in the world can be as "smart" and smug as you, a hole.