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— — - P-51D Mustang and F-4U Corsair in a close formation flight during Battle Creek Air Show 2018.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png حجم متوسط / حجم كبير / الحجم الكامل

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تم الإرسال

P-51D Mustang and F-4U Corsair in a close formation flight during Battle Creek Air Show 2018.


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Leon Kay
Thank you for a very good photo and comment.
Don Lynch
They both look ready to go to work. Beautiful.
Neil Klapthor
Love flyin' with the oldies! Nice pic.
I believe these birds will be in Reno for the 55th annual Reno Air Races in Sept.
Dave Sheehy
Super fantastic shot!
greg presley
I have met Scottie Yoaks who flies Quicksilver in this picture and he is such a fun and awesome dude. Passionate of course about flying.

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