McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle —
Looks like it was just washed and waxed.
Best of the Best
I don't know Bart, she looks like she's been rode hard and put up wet more than a few times. Just what I can see on the left side includes; hydraulic fluid stains on the main-gear door, both left fuselage launch rails look well worn and might need clearances checked, fuselage skin aft of launch rails needs cleaning and paint for burn damage, and there is a dark spot above the launch burns above and behind the left rails I would want to look into the cause of. I am sure the Crew-Chief of this bird has a handle on it but if it were mine I'd want to know. Oh, and the drop tanks have paint damage at the tip, not uncommon, but a little touch up would not hurt. But McDD makes tough birds, she has plenty of hours left in her...
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