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Northrop T-38 Talon (61-4856) - The newly painted "boss bird" for the Navy's Test Pilot School, is towed out for an engine run at Ellington Field on 25 June 2021
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png حجم متوسط / حجم كبير / الحجم الكامل

Northrop T-38 Talon (61-4856)

تم الإرسال

The newly painted "boss bird" for the Navy's Test Pilot School, is towed out for an engine run at Ellington Field on 25 June 2021


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Gary Jones
Nice shot of a beautiful machine!
Great paint job.....LOVE IT!
Beautiful bird, flew this type 43 years ago, still sparkling to look at...!
Jim Smirh
How about FIFTY-THREE years ago (Vance class 68E [last class to use letters!])? And they weren't even new then! 8+) I suspect this one is not that old... although that serial number(?) may indicate otherwise!!!
David Ingram
Still a sexy hot looking number. Saw these every day 52 yrs ago at Sheppard.
Mark Bullock
Started my aviation career working for sky-tel, as an egress mechanic on T38s. 1967.
Daniel Vogt
Afterburner nozzles look different than I remember.
Long ago, Willy 81-04
Bill Butler
I have one T-38 entry in my USN Log Book: Feb '71. Flew with the Commander of TPS. Logged Mach 1.2. Super flight for a Bombardier/Navigator Admiral's aide!
serge LOTH
I always found the T38 very elegant shape..
serge LOTH
I always found the T38 very elegant shape..
Oh, it's that old all right! Northrup came up with some real winners in that era. Like the F-17 that McDonnell Carrier-Qualified into the FA-18. If Adm Willoby had been running Navy procurement back then I suspect he would have wanted McD to give the same treatment to this one as well. He loved cost-effective tools!

I had a couple of college buddies who went Air Force. Both took flight training in Larado and both transitioned to jets in these little hot-rods. They described the transition from a Beech T-34 to this as being like stepping out of a Dedge Pickup to drive a Formula-1 car.
or is that actually 66-14856, US Military bought a lot of aircraft that year...
ken kemper
Gorgeous pic and colors on that T-38
سجل النشاط
هل تريد البحث عن التاريخ الكامل لـ 61-4856 والذي يعود إلى عام 1998؟ اشتر الآن، واحصل عليه في غضون ساعة واحدة.
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