110 عدد الأصوات (4.92 المتوسط) و 9,978 عدد المشاهدات  

Douglas DC-6 (N7780B)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png حجم متوسط / حجم كبير / الحجم الكامل

Douglas DC-6 (N7780B)

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Tom Glass
Why would someone not click the 5th star?
The voting feature on this site is just pathetic and should be removed. Usually, a posted comment will render you some votes. The site will take suggestions from members on anything but their I.T. department crashes any suggestions. I tossed a vote on it only because I went to comments today. Nice vintage aircraft from King.
John Giambone
Fantastic series of shots of thix Six King. Thanks for posting them!
Diana Rose
The props! Camera settings!
I hope dead-cliff & the rest of his clan get what they deserve, instant bad karma.
James Hicks
What a beauty. I made several trips in them in the 50's under Delta markings--even before they merged with Chicago and Southern to briefly become Delta C & S.
ken kemper
Low & Gear Up...........

Nice series of DC-6 Pics.
Pat Cook
I remember be a pax on a DC-6 ANC/SEA -- 8 hrs.
Breck Adams
Another great bird from Douglas. My first carrier at the age of 12. As a kid, loved all the flames coming aft of the exhausts. Great airplane!!
سجل النشاط
هل تريد البحث عن التاريخ الكامل لـ N7780B والذي يعود إلى عام 1998؟ اشتر الآن، واحصل عليه في غضون ساعة واحدة.
التاريخ الطائرة نقطة الانطلاق الوجهة مغادرة وصول المدة
12-مار-2025 Unknownقريب من Sparrevohn, AKFairbanks Intl () 15:25 AKDT 16:49 AKDT 1:24
12-مار-2025 UnknownKenai Muni ()قريب من Port Alsworth, AK 13:43 AKDT Last seen 14:01 AKDT 0:18
12-مار-2025 Unknownقريب من Crooked Creek, AKقريب من Kenai, AK First seen 11:36 AKDT 12:39 AKDT 1:03
12-مار-2025 UnknownFairbanks Intl ()قريب من Takotna, AK 09:23 AKDT Last seen 10:36 AKDT 1:12
12-مار-2025 UnknownFairbanks Intl ()Fairbanks Intl () 08:18 AKDT 08:23 AKDT 0:05
11-مار-2025 Unknownقريب من Fairbanks/Ft Wainwright, AKFairbanks Intl () 14:57 AKDT 15:26 AKDT 0:28
11-مار-2025 UnknownFairbanks Intl ()قريب من Fairbanks/Ft Wainwright, AK 12:52 AKDT Last seen 13:14 AKDT 0:22
11-مار-2025 Unknownقريب من Fairbanks/Ft Wainwright, AKFairbanks Intl () 11:14 AKDT 11:43 AKDT 0:29
11-مار-2025 UnknownFairbanks Intl ()قريب من Fairbanks/Ft Wainwright, AK 08:45 AKDT Last seen 09:07 AKDT 0:21
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