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Boeing MD-11 — - Cargoramp @CGN on a rainy day
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png حجم متوسط / حجم كبير / الحجم الكامل

Boeing MD-11 —

تم الإرسال

Cargoramp @CGN on a rainy day


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Peter Low
This must be an old photo, as Maersk Air (as shown in the background) went out of operation in 2005.
Guido KlöcknerPhoto Uploader
The picture is from the 04/03/2012
FX in a world of other cargo! Great shot! LOVE the MD-11(s)!!!
Dwight Hartje
Nice catch!
steve steve
Wow ,,,,,,,, stunning .....
Alan Peterson
Great shot. Where is CGN ?
Guido KlöcknerPhoto Uploader
CGN = Cologne Airport
Been there done that **smile**
Great shot Guido!
des quinn
FEDEX very slow on delivery to Aust.
Paul Becket
Nice pic but where is DHL?
miad pourashraf
I love all of them thanks!
Alexander Viduetsky
Very impressive!
Colin OSullivan
Nice shot !
Guido KlöcknerPhoto Uploader
@Paul Becket
Sunday is no DHL in Cologne!
Should be captioned from one Browntail to another: There is a traitor in our midst.
Paul Corfiatis
200 MD-11's were built, here are 2.5% of them all produced.
"Pssst....who's that guy on the end???"
Ed Hill
That line-up....amazing!

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