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North American Super Sabre (N2011V)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png حجم متوسط / حجم كبير / الحجم الكامل

North American Super Sabre (N2011V)

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Leslie Pickett
Registration number is N2011V and the aircraft code is SSAB.
Gary GuyPhoto Uploader
patti pickett
Anytime! Glad to help.
F-100. Last I saw this plane was in Tech School as a trainer
Rich Pelkowski
Had 5 squadrons of F-100 (3 regular Air Force + New Mexico and New York ANG) at Tuy Hoa AB, RVN. 1968.
Robert Powell
I was one of the first AF Personal that arrived at Tuy Hoa AB RVN from Homestead AFB in Dec.'66. I was with the 31st TFW member of the 431 MMS.Worked in the "Bomb Dump".
Roy Hunte
Any idea why the 'bomb dump' was named dump, Robert? I have noticed it referring to 'ammo dump', 'fuel dump', etc.
Is it just Airforce Parlance or is there a reason behind the word dump?
robert eagle
This is a/an F-100F (two seater) of which the 31st TFW had several but mostly D models. (early 60s)

Bomb Dump called MSA; Munitions Storage Area in Air Force VietNam era parlance.
Robert Powell
Never heard of a MSA or Munistions Storage Area " We either called it a "Bomb Dump" or as the Manual from Lowery AFB Denver Co. call it "Munitions Maintance and Storage Facilities.
robert eagle
I was Avionics as an Airman at HST, but sent to Lowry later along with other "overmanned field" instructors from Keesler to man supervisor slots in SEA. This may be a little off topic but I remember the flying squadrons going to TuyHoa. I was in Libya.
سجل النشاط
هل تريد البحث عن التاريخ الكامل لـ N2011V والذي يعود إلى عام 1998؟ اشتر الآن، واحصل عليه في غضون ساعة واحدة.
التاريخ الطائرة نقطة الانطلاق الوجهة مغادرة وصول المدة
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