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Douglas DC-6 (OE-LDM)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png حجم متوسط / حجم كبير / الحجم الكامل

Douglas DC-6 (OE-LDM)

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Great capture of some great old birds.
Jim Leonard
I usually don't comment on the photos, just look and admire.
This one, however, merits:
marylou anderson
How nice--great shot!
what air show was this?
ken kemper
Fantastic image Christoph
Don Lynch
Just beautiful!
Lucius Gravely
I flew on one of the last flights by a United DC-6 back in 1968.
thierno Ibrahim Diallo
Bonne chance
thierno Ibrahim Diallo
Bonne chance
sal derosa
Thanks for a wonderful picture! I worked on these in the USAF in the 70’s! What memories....great ones for sure!!
Carl Carlsen
I managed to get a few hours in these before UAL retired them. Great old airplane. Beautiful shot!
Christoph PlankPhoto Uploader
@wylann: thanks :-)
Christoph PlankPhoto Uploader
@Jim Leonard: thank you so much :-D
Christoph PlankPhoto Uploader
@marylou anderson: that's the airport festival at Innsbruck ;-)
Christoph PlankPhoto Uploader
@ken kemper: Thanks :-D
Christoph PlankPhoto Uploader
@Don Lynch: thx :-D
Christoph PlankPhoto Uploader
@Lucius Gravely: wow you were to lucky :-)
Christoph PlankPhoto Uploader
@thierno Ibrahim Diallo: :-)
Christoph PlankPhoto Uploader
@trennor turcotte: thank you so much :-)
Christoph PlankPhoto Uploader
@bayou: thanks :-D great to hear this :-)
Christoph PlankPhoto Uploader
@Carl Carlsen: nice :-) thanks :-D
Dave Sheehy
Christoph, fantastic shot! Is that a CORS in the formation? :) 5*++
Christoph PlankPhoto Uploader
@Dave Sheehy: thanks :-D yes indeed ;-)
Karl Leite
Christoph PlankPhoto Uploader
@Karl Leite: thanks :D
سجل النشاط
هل تريد البحث عن التاريخ الكامل لـ OE-LDM والذي يعود إلى عام 1998؟ اشتر الآن، واحصل عليه في غضون ساعة واحدة.
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