6 عدد الأصوات (5.00 المتوسط) و 2,939 عدد المشاهدات  

Lockheed F-35C (16-9425) - A VFA-101 "Grim Reapers" F-35C (169425)(Eglin AFB, FL), piloted by LCDR Patrick "Turtle" Rice, rolls out of the line as the second of four Lightning IIs taxi away from NAS Fallons north ramp to participate in an early morning (0730 hours) training exercise.  And yes, the aircraft in the background on the left is a VFA-125 "Rough Raiders" F-35C (NAS Lemoore) and way in the background on the right is a VX-9 "Vampires" F-35C (NAWS China Lake but detached to Edwards AFB, CA).  It was F-35C heaven yesterday; no matter which way I turned, I was photographing Lightning.br /br /This photo is the first snap of 169425 to be posted into the FA photo gallery.br /br /My deepest and most sincere Thanks go out to "Turtle," "Potty," and "Squatch" for inviting me to be out on the north ramp surrounded by the eight "Grim Reapers," "Rough Raiders," and "Vampires" F-35s.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png حجم متوسط / حجم كبير / الحجم الكامل

Lockheed F-35C (16-9425)

تم الإرسال

A VFA-101 "Grim Reapers" F-35C (169425)(Eglin AFB, FL), piloted by LCDR Patrick "Turtle" Rice, rolls out of the line as the second of four Lightning IIs taxi away from NAS Fallon's north ramp to participate in an early morning (0730 hours) training exercise. And yes, the aircraft in the background on the left is a VFA-125 "Rough Raiders" F-35C (NAS Lemoore) and way in the background on the right is a VX-9 "Vampires" F-35C (NAWS China Lake but detached to Edwards AFB, CA). It was F-35C heaven yesterday; no matter which way I turned, I was photographing Lightning.

This photo is the first snap of 169425 to be posted into the FA photo gallery.

My deepest and most sincere Thanks go out to "Turtle," "Potty," and "Squatch" for inviting me to be out on the north ramp surrounded by the eight "Grim Reapers," "Rough Raiders," and "Vampires" F-35s.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
It was a very early "wakeup, roust out, and hit the road" morning yesterday; I had to check in at Hangar 2 at 0625 hours. But there was no way I'd have ever passed up an invite like this one: an opportunity to photograph JSFs from all three of the Navy's F-35 squadrons together on one ramp! (And, a "bonus," The "Vampires" F-18 CAG colorbird, too.) I was there in the Ready Room, on the ramp for preflighting and taxiing, out at the end of runway 31R-13L as they came low overhead while taking off, and back on the ramp for recovery and postflight. A fantastic six hours!! Thank you, guys!!
sam kuminecz
awesome shot gary, what an experience!
Greg Byington
Very, very cool, Gary!
سجل النشاط
هل تريد البحث عن التاريخ الكامل لـ 16-9425 والذي يعود إلى عام 1998؟ اشتر الآن، واحصل عليه في غضون ساعة واحدة.
التاريخ الطائرة نقطة الانطلاق الوجهة مغادرة وصول المدة
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