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Lockheed EC-130J Hercules (17-0000) - Blue Angels Fat Albert face to face in ground effect. in Limbo. How low can you go?
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png حجم متوسط / حجم كبير / الحجم الكامل

Lockheed EC-130J Hercules (17-0000)

تم الإرسال

Blue Angels Fat Albert face to face in ground effect. in Limbo. How low can you go?


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Tom Heaverlo
Very cool!
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Tom, it was a very cool day overall. Got some decent shots. We only had some sun break at the end of the day at the end of the F-18 demo.
- @John Giambone. I sure hope you ducked. Your photos on FA are always the best. We'd hate to lose you.!
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
@Steven Smith thank you for your kind words!
frank theriault
Great photo!
Phil Caron
I love low pass photos, especially when not configured for landing. You remembered to duck, right?
Keith Brown
Herky Bird! Former crew member, H models though. I would just say it's not an 'EC-130J', the 'E' is for electronic warfare, and as far as I know it's just what we used to call a "slick". Still a capable airplane, since the mid 50s. We also used to call it the "fabulous four-engined fighter" LOL. I pulled a lot of Gs with an A/C that was the squadron commander and our chief navigator that flew together in Vietnam, through the Smoky Mountains! I will always love that airplane!
Eric Strodthoff
That's a killer shot!!
Tom Fox
I can smell the kerosene from here !!!
Gunnar Hanson
John Giambone - this is a great shot! Nice to see you've still got the eye for beautiful aircraft.
Love it!!!
William Goodbread
Fat Albert rocks with the Blue Angels
Jose Flavio DE SOUZA
Parabéns pela linda foto .
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
@Keith Brown ~ Me too - Former C-130 Loadsmasher here!jj #HercProps&Respect to you!
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
@Gunnar Hanson, good hearing from you old friend! Still wrenching down in CVG? #FormerATAAlum props to you!
robert anderson
these things the MOST ! land in my backyard !
Hayden Schnick
Dude, this is STELLAR!
John GiambonePhoto Uploader
Thank You Hayden!
That's two thumbs up in emojis language!!
Rich Pelkowski
During the airshow offseason circa 2008, Fat Albert performed practice maneuvers at the Tonopah Test Range in Nevada (KTNX). Depending upon the time of day, we were able to simply allow total use of the airfield and watch with a certain degree of amazement the "show" put on by the US Marine flight crew of Fat Albert.
Don Ridgeway
Nice, love it
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