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Lockheed F-16 Fighting Falcon — - USAF Thunderbirds - Travis AFB Wings Over Solano - 05/06/2017br /#1 (Commander)  Lt. Col. Jason Heardbr /#2 (Left Wing) Maj. Ryan Bodenheimerbr /#3 (Right Wing) Maj. Nate Hofmannbr /#4 (Slot) Maj. Nick Krajicekbr /#5 (Lead Solo) Maj. Alex Turnerbr /#6 (Opposing Solo) Maj. Whit Collins
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png حجم متوسط / حجم كبير / الحجم الكامل

Lockheed F-16 Fighting Falcon —

تم الإرسال

USAF Thunderbirds - Travis AFB Wings Over Solano - 05/06/2017
#1 (Commander) Lt. Col. Jason Heard
#2 (Left Wing) Maj. Ryan Bodenheimer
#3 (Right Wing) Maj. Nate Hofmann
#4 (Slot) Maj. Nick Krajicek
#5 (Lead Solo) Maj. Alex Turner
#6 (Opposing Solo) Maj. Whit Collins


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Lewis Tripp
A splendid sight. Great pic Rickh.
Tim Marks
One word - PRECISION! Great photo.
Peter Maas
F-16 Jet Fighter. My favorite Plane besides the B-29. Thunder Birds still the number one precision flying team. Fantastic Photo.
roland pfeifer
I would like to see a fly off compitation between the Thunder Bird's & the Blue Angels.
Jerrell Conway
That is the most interesting static photo of the Thunderbirds I have seen, Great photo.
Rickh52Photo Uploader
@Jarrel - I agree. This shot was taken at the conclusion of the flight demo just before the team exited the cockpit. I would really like to know the significance of the simultaneous hand gestures of 4 thru 6.
marylou anderson
very precise! as they should be!

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