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— — - USAF Thunderbird Mirror Image
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png حجم متوسط / حجم كبير / الحجم الكامل

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تم الإرسال

USAF Thunderbird Mirror Image


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Didier Leveque
fantastic pic
a wonderful shot !
How baby aircraft are made!
Dwight Hartje
Sweet! They look like twins!
Aloycius Erwin
Its a good team model, amazing
Gary Emerson
Think about this one. Neither pilot can see the other plane.
They're clearly offset to the side from one another.
The Calypso Pass... Nice shot!
Pratik Suryawanshi
great job
Phil Millward
Everyone that post on this photo says what a nice shot it is except for one person, Mr. Jim has to point out they are clearly offset.
Great flying skill
Peter Maas
Only the U.S.Air Force. Thunderbirds are a tat better than the Blue Angels.
Hello! Is that you above me?
Darin Dexheimer
a mentor
If you have evern been onsite for this demonstration, you would know that @jim gevey is correct; there is a horizontal offset so that the ships are not stacked vertically -- sure is a GREAT illusion isn't it!

Great picture @Leo
John Yarno
Oh look mama, they're mating. not sure that this is how fighters are made.

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