36 عدد الأصوات (4.58 المتوسط) و 8,786 عدد المشاهدات  

BOEING 747SP (A9C-HMH) - Bahrain Government B747SP departing Logan on 8/2/06.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png حجم متوسط / حجم كبير / الحجم الكامل


تم الإرسال

Bahrain Government B747SP departing Logan on 8/2/06.


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Darryl SarnoPhoto Uploader
Thank you John!
Joan Williams
Darryl SarnoPhoto Uploader
Thank you Joan!
Gary Schenauer
Capture of the year. Coloring in all five .....
Dave Sheehy
Rare catch! TYVM for sharing this DD. 5*
Darryl SarnoPhoto Uploader
Thank you Gary and Dave!
Such a stunning aircraft.
Darryl SarnoPhoto Uploader
Thank you Dan and agreed.
renato basso
I flew on one of these from Rio to LA. Panam. Probably 1982
Leopold Gautschi
Welcome to the Club : I was able to travel back to Europe (LHR) on a PanAm 747SP (late 80's) after having missed People Express' 747 out of JFK ...
Michael Wulfsohn
747-SG (stunted growth) Nice pic of a pretty rare bird.
Darryl SarnoPhoto Uploader
Renato, Leopold, Michael - Thanks for your comments and yes this is a rare bird. Unfortunately I never got the chance to fly on one.
SPs always look good to me somehow, long live the Queen!
Mark Henley
When I was Chief Engineer at L3 when we were supporting NASA Dryden with their flight certification after we modified the aircraft, I got to fly on one of their first science missions.... The SP is a real hot rod.
Amir Begloei
Amazing shot. For me the 747-SP will always be the most beautiful bird that ever flew the sky. Thank you for this shot!
Darryl SarnoPhoto Uploader
Amir, Mark, User3956, Thank you for your comments and agreed - The B747SP is a beautiful aircraft.

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