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CHAMPION Decathlon (N30GK) - Greg Koontz cuts the ribbon at PDK airport in Atlanta, Georgia.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png حجم متوسط / حجم كبير / الحجم الكامل

CHAMPION Decathlon (N30GK)

تم الإرسال

Greg Koontz cuts the ribbon at PDK airport in Atlanta, Georgia.


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alex kropf
That's very cool.
Jimmy RobinsonPhoto Uploader
Thanks. It was interesting taking a photo from that spot.
Mark Thomas
What happens if he actually snags the line?😳
Jimmy RobinsonPhoto Uploader
The actual ribbon is nothing more than a thin plastic ribbon, easily torn. I've seen a piece of it catch on his prop spinner before and it just hangs and flaps in the wind.

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هل علمت بأن خاصية تتبع الرحلة التابعة لـFlightAware مدعومة بواسطة الإعلانات؟
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