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Northrop RF-5 Tigereye —
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png حجم متوسط / حجم كبير / الحجم الكامل

Northrop RF-5 Tigereye —

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Penelope L Goss
032521 This is the sister vehicle of the light combat aircraft F-5 Freedom Fighter. The aircraft shown is the USAF Trainer version known as the Northrop T-38 Talon (Various Versions) double seater. In this photo. This photos shows the unit is in use by the USAF Thunderbirds Aerobatic Demonstration Team after transitioning from the F-4 Phantom due to the oil crisis and the cost of fuel in the 1970's. This aircraft is still used though a different, newer version during the Red Flag USAF events held through out the country but mostly Nellis AFB as well as the USN and NASA.
The USAF Thunderbirds currently use the F-16 and are also stationed at Nellis AFB near Las Vegas, Nevada. The T-38 is actively used by the USAF new pilots flight training and can be found daily on Flightaware24.com in and around the areas of San Antonio, Laughlin AFB and Randolph AFB, Tx, as well as of locations around the country.
Penelope L Goss
The Air Force Thunderbirds used the airframe from 1974 to 1982 because of its economic operation and high performance.


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