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05-5143 — - rch480 usaf wright-patterson c-17a 05-5143 powering back off stand at shannon 22/2/17.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png حجم متوسط / حجم كبير / الحجم الكامل

05-5143 —

تم الإرسال

"rch480" usaf wright-patterson c-17a 05-5143 powering back off stand at shannon 22/2/17.


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Mark Thomas
Nice shot Brian!
Greg Byington
Nice catch!
Brian BuckleyPhoto Uploader
thanks guys
Alan Brown
Great shot! Always wondered what a jet looks like doing that.
Brian BuckleyPhoto Uploader
thanks alan
Luis Macaranas
Beautiful angle!
roland pfeifer
Looks like it's thirsty & needs a drink.
WoW, this is a cool shot!
Leszek Stolarz
Nice job.
Frank Swain
What is happening here?
This is caused by a low pressure area created as the air accelerates into the engine nacelle. As the air increases in velocity the air pressure drops which lowers the temperature of the air. Once the air temperature falls below the dew point of air the moisture condenses into the " cloud " you see. This happens rather easily in humid conditions since the air is already very close to its dew point. This is also what causes wingtip vortices to form on the low pressure areas of wingtips, flaps, etc.
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