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Friends Don't Let Friends Fly American Airlines
You may have read Gary Shteyngart's endlessly amusing New York Times op-ed about a nightmare experience on American Airlines over the weekend, but he's such an entertaining writer and air travel horror stories are so common that I'm afraid some people may miss the core point. You seriously have to stop traveling on American Airlines. Seriously. If you're booking some travel somewhere, book it somewhere else. If your company has some relationship with American that gives them… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I'm sick and tired of the media relating American Eagle flights/cancellations/delays with AA delays/cancellations. Last week, 100% of AE flights went out on time and none were cancelled. AE pilots aren't doing a thing! It's all AA pilots.
Chris: you are all well and correct, but with American on the side, it's not going to make a bit of difference to the public pirhana, stirred by the media.
They will lynch the CEO?
Hope I don't step on toes here but why do we only read about the negative things going on at AA? I'm sure there are good people still working and trying to please people at AA and other USA airline companies, but we don't hear about it. Sending people away from them doesn't help retain jobs that are needed by good employees to care and feed their families. Every company has good and bad but for people to go out of their way to point out just the bad at AA really isn't fair to the good employees. It could have happened with any airline. Just the view from here.
Amen. Sad part is that if thing keeps on, there may not be an airline for any of the employees, good or bad, to go with.
You know what..think positive. Only way can be UP!