Centennial Airport (Denver, CO) APA ملاحظات
E80A | H24 us customs - 303-768-0309. |
E80 | Us customs user fee airport. |
A70-FUEL-100L | L self serve fuel available. |
A39-17R/35L | Pcr value: 339/F/C/X/T |
A30A-H1 | H24 heli service - 303-799-0079. |
A30A-17L | Numerous flood lights 1/2 sm N of threshold; SS-2400. |
A30-H1 | Tlof 50X50 ft; fato 50X50 ft; ingress/egress 270. |
A13 | After hr - 303-877-7307. |
A110-5 | +190 ft tower located 1800 ft ene of runway 17L threshold. |
A110-4 | Numerous cranes in vicinity of airport. |
A110-3 | Waterfowl on and in vicinity of airport. |
A110-22 | Noise abatement procs in efct. all aircraft avoid noise sensitive areas 1 nm north and west of airport and 1 nm southeast of airport. runway 17R-35L closed traffic remain south of arapahoe road, east of I-25, and north of lincoln ave. quiet hours 2200-0700L. tbjt aircraft use nbaa profiles. Noise office/303-790-0598. |
A110-21 | Mult large power lines approximately 3NM S of runway 35R and runway 35L. |
A110-20 | Ctn: ensure proper runway alnmt; close spaced parl runways. Airport safety video - https://www.faa.gov/airports/RUNWAY_SAFETY/videos/apa/ |
A110-18 | Adzy density altitude dspl located C-1, A-1 and A-18. |
A110-12 | Heli operations contact FBO for landing zone location; heli operations on front ramp not advised. |
A110-1 | All aircraft below certified 70000 lb max gross takeoff wt and stage III aircraft up to certified 75000 lb max gross takeoff wt may operational; ONE-TIME exception auzd by except director. |