Deland Municipal Airport (Deland, FL) DED ملاحظات
A81-APT | Activate REIL runway 12 and 30; PAPI runway 30; MIRL runway 05/23, HIRL runway 12/30 - CTAF. PAPI runway 05, 12, and 23 oper consly. |
A70-FUEL-100L | L self serve 100LL available 24 hours with credit card. |
A42-30 | Runway 30 mrkgs faded and discolored. |
A42-23 | Runway 23 mrkgs faded and discolored. |
A42-12 | Runway 12 mrkgs faded and discolored. |
A42-05 | Runway 05 mrkgs faded and discolored. |
A14 | Airport phys ads: 1000 flightline blvd. |
A110-9 | For clearance or to cnl ifr contact daytona approach at 386-226-3939. |
A110-8 | Contact unicom for tie down info. |
A110-7 | Limited sight distances all runways. |
A110-6 | Calm wind runway 05. |
A110-5 | Noise sensitive airport. avoid over flight of residential area S of airport; avoid wide downwind runway 23. Jet aircraft use nbaa noise abatement procedures. |
A110-4 | Extsv parachute and flight training operations. Avoid over flying airport during parachute operations. |
A110-3 | Noise abatement procedures in effect, please call airport manager (386) 740-6955. |
A110-2 | Touch and go operations prohibited if there are 3 or more aircraft in the traffic pattern. |
A110-10 | Unligtd obstns in the approach to runway 05 due to trees 51 ft tall 1455 ft bfr approach end runway. |
A110*G | This airport has been surveyed by the national geodetic survey. |