Grissom Arb Airport (Peru, IN) GUS ملاحظات
A32-05/23 | 50 ft non wt brg shoulder ea side. |
A31-05/23 | First 1000 ft conc; rmng asphalt. |
A16 | 765-688-2254. |
A110-58 | Restricted: afrc aircraft exp rstrn when mod or higher; no tower ifr/VFR traffic; operations na wo og/cc apvl. |
A110-57 | Runway cond codes unavailable. |
A110-56 | Operational 1230-0400Z++; closed federal holiday; FBO closed fri 2200Z thru mon 1230Z; prior permission required - airfield operations D388-2254/C765-688-2254. |
A110-54 | Fuel: military 1200-0400Z++; closed federal holiday. |
A110-53 | Ctn: runway lights 28 ft from edge. |
A110-50 | For rapcon service - 121.05 or 379.3 |
A110-44 | Exp delay when tactical arrival and departure training in prog and during snow removal operations. |
A110-43 | Sua overhead and northwest; hvy and fighter jet training rmn northwest wi 10 nm. |
A110-41 | Prior permission required for civ aircraft on military ramp. |
A110-36 | Civ training na per joint use agreement. |
A110-32 | FBO E end; prior pmsn not rqr for aircraft landing civ FBO; contact tower; exp taxi instruction; 100LL and jet A available. |
A110-28 | GA prac approach na, alfd is official business only dur hotpit refueling. |
A110-26 | Ctn: during rain exp standing water on runway. |
A110-22 | Misc: weather service available during operations hr - D388-2203/2204; C765-688-2203/2204. |
A110-18 | Trans alert: available during operations hours; no priority basis; service available prior arng; fleet service na. |
A110-17 | Oil: O-133-148-156 joap. |
A110-16 | Fluid: sp presair low and high pressure oxygen. |
A110-15 | Service light - floods. |
A110-13 | Ctn: unctld vehicle on movement areas. |
A110-12 | Bird watch cond: mnt ATIS; phase I NOV-APR and jun light; phase II may, JUL-OCT hvy. |
A110-11 | Restricted: pax/cargo aircraft contact command post nlt 30 minimum prior to landing. |
A110-1 | Jet air start unit; A/M32A-86, MD-3, AM32-95 and MA-1A. |