Payette Muni Airport (Payette, ID) S75 ملاحظات
A81-APT | Activate lirl runway 13/31-CTAF (3 clicks) . |
A70-FUEL-100L | L fuel 24 hr credit card service available. Mo gas available |
A58-13 | +35' trees 190' from end of runway, 65' L; +6' building, 75' end of runway, 50'L. |
A57-13 | Runway 13 approach slp 42:1 to dthr. |
A110-5 | For clearance contact salt lake artcc at 801-320-2568. |
A110-4 | Runway 13 dspld threshold not lighted. |
A110-3 | Golfers adjacent to taxiway edges and runway 13 threshold. |
A110-2 | 2885' MSL (405' AGL) marked and lighted steel tower located 2.2 miles S of airport. |
A110-1 | Airport closed to aircraft over 10000 lbs gross weight. |