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Texas Sues U.S. Over Airport Mask Mandate
“President Biden cannot continue governing through executive edicts,” Texas's attorney general said in a statement. “Now is the time to strike down his administration’s air-travel mask mandate.” (paywalled, sorry) ...says the mandate didn’t provide evidence that masks in these settings have limited the spread of Covid-19. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
The sad thing folks is that while those of us commenting on this post are focusing on the facts and the policy for or against mask wearing, this lawsuit probably has nothing to do with a true belief about policy or science at all, and is completely about politics, political ambitions, and making the other side look bad. That is the big joke these days - politicians pretend to care about policy, but they really care about winning, or at least making sure the other side doesn't win. Very sad IMHO.
could not agree more. the vast majority of politicians of all flavors are in it for the accolades and pension.
Also his governor keeps using “executive edicts” to get make mask mandates and things like that illegal. He’s a hypocrite.
That's a rather stupid statement considering the federal mask mandates themselves are "executive edicts" - not laws. Whatever happened to "I will not govern by executive order"?
That didn't last long.
That didn't last long.
Yep, a perfect example of the OP's point - it's only bad when my opponent does it.
Why is it that Americans in general, and Texans in particular, seem to have a problem with guidelines, the betterment of the whole, and government? Is this a result of the born general belief that the US was that shining house on the hill that the rest of the world looked up to? Boy, has a pandemic changed that Hollywood image. The truth has been laid bare. The house does is not shining and some wonder if it will be even recognizable in 5 years.
We don't have a problem with guidelines that are rational and scientific. Please find and post a link to a PEER REVIEWED study showing that masks make any statistical difference in stopping the spread of an airborn virus. I'll wait. It must be PEER REVIEWED. Why hasn't the CDC provided this? Or Fauci?
We have a problem with being told to do something illogical and against our will just because "the government said so". The government is corrupt.
Oh, and look up the etymology of the word "government".
We have a problem with being told to do something illogical and against our will just because "the government said so". The government is corrupt.
Oh, and look up the etymology of the word "government".
Why so fixated on masks? Try this instead. 924,920. Know what that number is? That is the number of Americans that have died to date due to COVID-19. Unless, of course, you choose to deny that as well. Almost a million deaths and you are fixated on masks? When was the last pandemic you lived through? I cannot fault those in the medical community that were learning on the fly and suggesting anything that was safe. Almost a million. And you worry about masks? Almost a million and you are blaming the government? Good lord man, be happy you are not one of the nearly one million.
I don't need a peer reviewed study to tell me it's common sense during a pandemic, we did it in 1918 and it didn't rip the country apart, what's so hard about wearing a mask...not an issue for the vast majority, the only issue is we have a country that is trending way down in education and critical thinking, if you get your info from FB you are lost. Too much information, not enough wisdom.
It's kind of ironic that a lot of the people that are raising the most stink about not wanting anyone to tell them they have to wear masks are the ones who actually lot better WEARING a mask. I know in my city the number of occasions I have to breathe in someone's halitosis has drastically been reduced. I find I keep my mask on more for protection against odorous fumes that often foul the air by people with less than stellar oral hygiene.