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Iran mistakenly shot down Ukraine jet - US media
Iran mistakenly shot down the Ukrainian plane that crashed on Wednesday near Tehran with 176 people on board, US media report. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Plausible but to be verified. Can't rule out an undisciplined person or persons frenzied by the last 7 days events taking matters into their own hands to strike at anything Western. Even if Iran took all precautions and published all regional and international notices; it did so while whipping up their well armed militias to patriotic war footing-A literal powder keg room with briar-torches to shed light!! Poor souls on the 738 perished because of it.
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Iran was defending itself against a Ukrainian airliner?
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Apparently you have no idea what you're talking about Jap. There was no engine failure.
Defending itself? The US hasn't attack Iran yet, despite many many provocations (sailors seized, ships attacked, supplying arms, money, and expertise used to attack American forces).
Where is your evidence he was invited by the US and Saudi Arabia? Can you supply authoritative proof? You really are of the rails, and your bias is obvious.
Where is your evidence he was invited by the US and Saudi Arabia? Can you supply authoritative proof? You really are of the rails, and your bias is obvious.
Correction: NOBODY got assassinated. General Soleimani was a enemy combatant as any military from any nation and rank. FAIR GAME!
unfortunately not quite that simple... not even close.
Yes, it's that simple.
Assassinated? Does that translate to "Did the world a favor"? He was a known terrorist leader that deserved to die.