A81-APT | When air traffic control tower closed, activate MALSR runway 16R; PAPI runway 34L; HIRL runway 16R/34L - CTAF. |
A70-FUEL-100L | L 100LL self service available 24 hours with credit card at cntrl ramp. helicopter are prohibited at the self service fueling is. For jet and helicopter fuel after hours please call 425-355-6600. |
A33-16R/34L | First 1000 ft of runway 16R is conc. |
A30-16R/34L | Runup area located at A4; int departure prohibited after air traffic control tower hours; tgl prohibited monday - friday from 0700-0900. |
A30-16L/34R | Closed between 0500-1500Z; avoid int departures; limited to helicopter 8000 lbs or less; runup areas located near F1, F5, G4 and non-movement area west of G1. |
A26 | Airport closed to unsked air carrier operations with more than 30 passenger seats 2100-0700 except prior permission required contact airport operations 425-388-5125. |
A24 | Landing fee for aircraft over 30000 lbs gross weight. |
A110-8 | Training flts discouraged after 2200. |
A110-7 | Avoid low lvl ovrflt of boeing ramp; northeast corner of airport due to jet blast. |
A110-6 | Be alert to cnvg traffic on base to final legs runway 16R/34L 2100-0700. |
A110-5 | It is req that pilots adhere to the flw noise abatement proc unless otrw instrd by air traffic control tower, itnrnt arrival and low approach of sml aircraft over 250 horsepower authorized on runways 16L and 34R. |
A110-37 | Use ctn for 80 ft AGL light poles southwest edge of bravo ramp. |
A110-36 | Large aircraft fly W pattern ovr wtr; sml aircraft fly E pattern ovr airport. |
A110-35 | Takeoff clearance runway 16R full len; ent runway via taxiway A1 unless taxiway aa specified. |
A110-34 | For clearance when air traffic control tower is closed contact seattle approach at 206-214-4722. |
A110-33 | Emergency frequency 121.5 not mnt at tower. Seattle app CON-TRACON mnt 121.5 for everett (pae) . |
A110-32 | Airfield conds not mntd between 0000-0600. |
A110-31 | Tsnt helicopter exp landing/takeoff on taxiway B. |
A110-30 | Taxiway K1 closed to aircraft under 30000 lbs. |
A110-3 | Noise sensitive airport; for noise abatement proc and traffic proc please call airport operations 425-388-5125. |
A110-29 | Prior permission required required for aces on boeing ramp. contact boeing flight dispatch 206-544-5900 for apvl. Prior to taxi onto boeing ramp contact boeing radio tower 123.475 or please call 425-342-5900. |
A110-28 | Pae has facility constraints that lmt its ability to accommodate divd flts and mntn the arpts safe operations dur ireg operations. Aircraft operational should ctct the ON-DUTY airport operations psnl (425-388-5125) to coord divd flts except in the case of A declared IN-FLT emergency. |
A110-27 | Taxiway C between terminal ramp and cntrl ramp restricted to wingspan of 68 ft or less. taxiway D, F, G and L restricted to wingspan less than 49 ft. taxiway A4, A5, K7 and B restricted to wingspan less than 118 ft. Taxilane H restricted to wingspan less than 49 ft. |
A110-25 | Taxilane E restricted to wingspan less than 171 ft. aircraft wingspan of 171 ft or greater on taxilane E, tug operations only. East 500 ft of taxilane E restricted to wingspan less than 49 ft. |
A110-24 | For noise abatement from 0500-1500Z++ if aircraft performance/wind allows, use runway 16R for arrivals and runway 34L for departures. |
A110-17 | Areas not visible from air traffic control tower incl E edge of S 1200 ft of taxiway A, taxilane E from southeast corner of W hngrs to taxiway A, taxilane H from northwest edge of W hngrs to taxilane E. |
A110-16 | Taxiway A-2 restricted to 30000 lbs. |
A110-15 | Itnrnt departure of sml aircraft over 250 horsepower on runway 34R. |
A110-12 | Flocks of large and sml birds in vicinity of airport. |